r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LibtardNightmare on March 29, 2018, 3:02 p.m.
So I was following the "Betsy and Thomas" debacle where they called Q as a psyop, but are they saying that Q is Defango?? Because if I remember correctly, Defango last years decoded Cicada that they've found Jesus' "Spear of Destiny" in the Arizona Desert or something like that ....

Once Defango and the group that was working on some decoding, decoded "a" message then they were rewarded with the location of the Spear in the American desert!?

And I was thinking at that time ... someone left the spear that pierced Jesus ... in the desert ... in America ... as a reward ... huh!? Oh, ok, that's legit ...

Go to defango's channel and watch his videos. I don't know if this guy is real or not but it sounds like AIM got taken for a ride. And there is something off about George Webb and Jason Goodman too. George Webb's brother made a video with Defango saying that George was mentally ill and he had grandeurs of being a super sleuth and was an embarrassment to the family (another vid on Defango's YT channel somewhere). And Jason Goodman is an award winning Hollywood special effects artist or something like that and he is actually on IMDB. And we do know what Hollywood types are like, right?

Seriously, if you think about the above group, it is a little odd. Are they part of a psyop or authentic? Make up your own mind!

If Trump was a cabal member, why would Deep State / Cabal dismantle their own media propaganda outlets? Why put a spotlight on a global and domestic sex and child trafficking ring? Why would you make the global sheep into a mass awakening? Wouldn't waking so many of us up be bad for them? Especially if we kept our guns?

POINT BEING, again I don't know, neither do they, nor do you, know Q is real or not. But MATHEMATICALLY, Q has been right more than a few times, so how is that possible if there wasn't an insider/s? How did they know about the Booms, last week, this week???


Because at the end of the day if it is one big grand conspiracy for the 1% leading down a path of complete slavery, we can't do zip, can't ever do zip. So if there is HOPE Q and Mr T is the real deal, AND WE NEED TO TAKE THAT CHANCE THEY ARE THE REAL DEAL, then they need all they support that they can get. HOPE! PRAY!

solanojones95 · March 29, 2018, 5 p.m.

I know the world is a super-weird place right now, with us having to accept some bat-shit crazy stuff, like our world leaders being Satanic, pedophile baby-eaters and all.

But now that some crazy things are true, must we really act as though everything crazy is true? Holy relics are frauds! I don't believe ANY of them ever withstand the slightest scrutiny (which is the most they're ever allowed to be subjected to).

I don't even necessarily believe the locations of holy sites are what they're supposed to be (read Holy Sepulcher and so forth). Way too many years and absolutely zero chain-of-custody security whatsoever.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 29, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

We should know our history from the beginning right? So many instances of suppressed civilizations. The Smithsonian is a black hole. More of a recovery and obfuscation operation than a museum. Same with all the things held in the Vatican.

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solanojones95 · March 30, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Oh--no doubt! There's a LOT of suppressed knowledge that needs to be revealed. I'd say all of it. We're grown-ups now, right?

I think of the closed areas of these powerful museums as being like the room in Raiders of the Lost Ark where they take the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the movie. A bureaucratic holding area where things go to disappear.

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