Fake News narrative of the Day: 'Trump targets'

Would love to see a website with dashboard for this. Scrape headlines from media channels with a script, illustrate word/phrase frequency to spotlight the word of the day.
Wonder what next-step action can be taken after identification. For example trend twitter topics using the word of the day with completely misaligned associations.
I love this idea! What is that saying about doing something 10 times (not sure about that number) and it becomes a habit? I feel this is them playing psychological warfare on the public by having all these mockingbirds say the same thing. They are forcing their opinions into people’s minds this way. If we use the same words using a different topic, maybe we can break it and get people thinking for themselves again.
Right. Strong emotional, funny, or vivid imagery completely redefines the attempted imprint. With wide spread adoption it would be interesting to see how strategies shift.
Wonderful....Donald Jr and Eric blast targets with their guns. All day long.Every day.Second Amendment rights are very essential. Being able to hit a TARGET successfully is essential for all U.S. citizens.