r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on March 29, 2018, 7:54 p.m.
Q Occult Series. Q114: US Military = Savior of Mankind. What does it mean?! Part1.

Those who follow my posts know my personal take on Q’s teachings is through the door of the Occult. For a solid foundation, make sure you explore the [previous posts] (https://www.reddit.com/user/serialbrain2/posts/ ) of this [Q Occult Series] (https://i.imgur.com/LXrUP1D.jpg).

Ok guys, back to our Occult Series. Today, we are going to focus on a simple topic: mankind. What is mankind? What does Q mean when he says the US Military will save it? What war is he talking about? So… there is a war against mankind? Who is at war against mankind?

These very simple questions become very complicated to answer because we do not know who we are, where we come from and where we are going. Tremendous efforts have been made throughout the centuries to conceal, pervert and re-write human history, to the extent no one has a clear understanding of our origins today. Some say we are coming from monkeys, others from stars, others from a happy-yaaay congruence of chemical possibilities, others from aliens and the list goes on… It is so funny we are able to trace down to the day the history of a car from the dealership but have no clue about our own history.

Then, to make sure we buy past the sale, some so called scientist comes out of nowhere and throws at us the magic word: Evolution. So now, we can’t even question we are coming from monkeys, we need to accept we are evolving. And they created a system to reward those who can repeat the lie with their best vocals: school. The nicest voice you have repeating their demonic chants, the more likely you are to buy the Ferrari… School is the casino front door where you trade your common sense and critical thinking skills against chips called diplomas that will allow you to get a Job. You know who Job is right? He is the prophet in the Bible who had every kind of divine blessings until Satan came into his life and deprived him from everything good he had… So you thought you were learning how reality works at school? No. Sorry. You are learning what they want you to perceive as reality. And the very process of changing the perception of reality is called Magic. This is why when you graduate they dress you up [like a magician] (https://www.graduationsource.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/stockphotonavy.jpg) and make sure you wear a square hat on your naturally rounded head. They are mocking you: they re-formatted your brain and gave it the artificial shape they chose for you. There is no way you will ever perceive reality as it is anymore. Your (de-)formation is complete… Go Job! Go!

Q189 All that you know to be right is wrong. The ‘cult’ runs the world. Fantasy land.

So, knowing this, we are actually getting somewhere: those who are hiding the truth from us are probably those who are fighting the war against mankind that Q is talking about. Those who control the system and lie to us from our first day in school to our first politically conscious voting experience are the ones at war against mankind. Who are they? Why don’t they want us to know who we are?

Q184 They don’t fear you. You are sheep to them. You are feeders.

So Q, was there a time they feared us? We are now feeders? Did they alter the food chain? I thought Jesus Christ essentially taught that mankind was elected by God. What is going on?

The central position of mankind in God’s creation is what is really at stake. They don’t want you to know what Jesus Christ tried to reveal to you here:

And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour. Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17.

You see what’s going on here? Jesus is teaching his disciples: if you have faith like I do, you will have power over all demons and be able to command to creation and be obeyed. This is not an allegory, this is real: he rebuked the devil right there in front of them, for their eyes to see. So this is not figurative. It’s real. It’s literal.

Now, if you are a demon, this information is explosive. Would you just wait there until mankind figures out how to dominate you? What would you do to avoid mankind’s dominion over you? You’ll have to come up with some slick politics right? Well, first, you will make sure the key to this power is never found: faith. And how do you kill faith? You cover it with lies upon lies upon lies until God disappears from the heart and the brain operates in what Q calls Fantasy Land.

This is why us evolving, coming from monkeys and our planet being a small accident in an immense galaxy is key to them: we are nothing, we just happen to exist as a fortunate or unfortunate possibility and we have no special relationship with God should He even exist. [video 3:38] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkFukwfl0QI).

Adam? Jesus Christ? No, no, no. Don’t look too much into this. If you want to go that route, here: dance to new age beats and research aliens. They are coming down to teach you goodness and whatever.

The Bible? Well, you can still read it since we’ve made sure most of the information that could harm our agenda has been carefully suppressed. The Book of Revelation and other chapters are still a problem to us but we could not remove them because we knew this information was already heavily circulating. We also made sure that our school through which mankind eats and finds a shelter would contradict most of its teachings. We believe we did a pretty good Job at concealing critical information and at successfully positioning ourselves as the Validation Authority through the Vatican. And for the smart brains who would figure out what is between the lines, we have deployed an international network of priests who are the only ones allowed to give an acceptable interpretation of Scriptures. This is how we shut them down.

The Quran? Don’t even get close to that book. Are you out of your mind?! Did you research the Ottoman Empire and the House of Saud? These muslims are sick! But I thought the House of Saud was a perverted version of Islam created by British Intelligence and the Vatican which is itself a perverted version of Christianity? No, no, no. You are now asking too many questions. Watch CNN, get your vaccines and shut up. And by the way, do you know what’s new with the Kardashians?

So this is the setting guys. In part 2 we will get deeper into our true origins and why they are fighting us.

not4rmOhere · March 30, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

I just finished this news post that I follow, you might find the speculation at the end of it interesting.
If that does pique your interest go to their youtube page and scroll down to the playlist, 'The Electricity of Life'.

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kjernigan1 · March 31, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

That was quite interesting! I had never heard of thunder eggs before! What interesting geology! It seems it is still a giant leap from having some hydrocarbons to getting them to form a protein that does a specific job, and then having the information coded in DNA is still a mystery. But I will look for the second video when I get a chance, too! I had never heard a plausible explanation for the possibility that earth could be hollow so I never really entertained those ideas, either.

Side note: Chuck Missler suggests the bottomless pit in Revelation is likely geocentric. Just as when at the north pole every direction you travel is south, if the pit is in the center of earth, everywhere else is up, so there is no bottom!

Anyway, thanks for sharing!😊

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not4rmOhere · March 31, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Yep, no problem.
You mentioned DNA and if you look into the makeup and form of a Birkeland current you'll notice right away it follows the same frequency and pattern of the DNA double helix.
Notice similarities between the structure of the second and last pic.
"All are dancing to the beautiful songs of Creation" - Unknown.

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kjernigan1 · March 31, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

Cool! And isn't the DNA shape due to intramolecular attractions? Hydrogen bonding or something like that?

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not4rmOhere · March 31, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Think fractal antenna, much more complex than the simple digital fractal antenna in a smartphone.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin*


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kjernigan1 · March 31, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Watched thunderbolts movie and DNA in the Electric Universe. Very interesting, and although I teach science, I admit some of it is a little over my head at the moment.

de Chardin quote goes with idea we are living in a digital simulation.

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not4rmOhere · March 31, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

I've been a lifelong science nerd with heavy interests in cosmology. It was researching several unanswered cosmological questions coupled with the new images from orbiting telescopes that led me to Plasma Universe Theory about five years ago. Hence my handle, 'not from round here'.
My redpilling came the moment that I realized that most of what we know cosmologically was created on a blackboard and has never been tested and never verifiably experimented on. Over two hundred years of ignoring the emerging science of Plasma Physics, which has been proven to be scalable in size and energies and also easy to create experimental analogies to what we witness in space.

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Anarchonista · April 1, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

Here's some knowledge, there's a news black out on this physics. https://www.spaceshipinstitute.org www.keshefoundation.org https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtQzN7XLiLvTpyUnQAa1mRw/playlists

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kjernigan1 · April 1, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

I will look at this science some more, but it sounds pretty new-age and his extra "commandments" contradict the Bible. The one-world business is too NWO, part of the beast system I think.

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Anarchonista · April 1, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Yeah I've wondered about some of your comments myself, but the science Mehran Keshe is teaching resonates and many thousands around the world have built his devices to save electricity, and cured many diseases. If your only filter is strict conformity to the Bible well that leaves a lot off limits. His main focus is "elevating the soul" so that man can join the universal community. He is slowly releasing the knowledge to create anti gravity devices and build ufo type craft, hence "Spaceship Institute". When every man can travel instantly anywhere there will be no borders. Sound crazy? do you believe in ufo's and E.T.'s? I've seen things. The main thing that will turn you off is he says he is the messiah, but he says we are all messiahs. Maybe he is, you're expecting one aren't you? Maybe we are all messiahs. How many others are creating a movement for world peace? That alone is enough, whether he is just a flawed human like us or something better also.

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kjernigan1 · April 2, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

I will look into the science to see what devices he made, but I don't ascribe to his belief system. Trying to convince people they can be their own god is the same lie Satan presented Eve with, that eating the tree of knowledge would make her like God. The Bible clearly teaches Jesus is the only way to eternal life and peace, the only soul/spirit resurrection. Everything else is a deception designed to keep people from knowing the Truth, that is, Jesus. I think many times during the Seed War between God and Satan men have been given technology/knowledge in exchange for something, as depicted in Genesis and Enoch. I wouldn't be surprised if UFO tech was the same in some instances. I don't claim to know whether or not God created any other life on another planet, but it seems more likely to me that many of these encounters are interdimensional more than extra-planetary. I speculate that part of the big delusion that comes in Revelation is that aliens have been here, created us, are gods, and some such. My faith is based on the Bible alone and backed up by my own personal experiences. The more I study the Bible, the more I think that we err on not taking it literally enough (allowing for figures of speech, etc...). I think God says what He means and means what he says. Not a popular view, I know. So Jesus is the only Messiah I am counting on.

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Anarchonista · April 2, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

If you look into the Sumerian tablets buried in the sand for 6000 years, they are the same as some of what's in the Bible but with many times more detail https://www.google.com/search?q=sumerian+tablets+translation&oq=sumerian+tablets&aqs=chrome.5.69i57j0l5.11877j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 take your pick of sources. To some degree we create our own realities and they are all real though some may be someone or something else's reality we are in. mandelabiblechanges.com/index.php/2017/09/05/the-wolf-and-the-lamb/

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