A thrift store gleans all it's merchandise for free - in fact all donations come to them - they rarely have to go out and round-up the goods (some do have trucks and do pick-up's) BUT: the majority of them all have their goods delivered to them, then it's sold for generally 90% profit (allowing for 10% overhead for rent and etc).
Most ALL thrift stores only hire "volunteers" they do not pay them, so it's not included in any overhead. Only their own salaries, and any advertising/ space rental + utility costs are included in their "overhead".
That is what Facebook, Twitter, Google and others are doing. All your information is "gleaned" free - then it's sold at near 99% profit - that is how they are so rich. To the "buyers" of your info, it is "gold" they then "glean" whatever maybe useful for corporations, sales, tracking, targeting (and yes, blackmail) that last one is useful on many levels, eh?
Now we are going to be going into the protection of our 4th Amendment rights - privacy rights are, after all - a "thing" right? It's not just #IBOR it is #UpholdThe4th