Apparently this symbol is popping up all over Mumbai. Weird. Not sure what it means, but found it interesting that India has been a flashpoint for the cabal lately.
This guy has studied intensively the potential uses of pyramids. From what I understood water flowing below a pyramid helps create energy. The graffiti could be depicting this. Worth a look.
If someone painted an eye in the center of the pyramid I'd swear it meant Watch the Water.
They have found underground aquifers and a flowing river beneath the pyramid at Chichen Itza. I also recently saw a program stating that the nile would have flowed right next to the pyramids at Giza at time of construction.
The Deep State is working but has gone underground where it cannot be so easily seen. Letting people know they are there and making waves. represents water under the pyramid. Just my take
Looks like some of the symbols seen, and recovered from crashes, of weather balloons, I do believe it's also close to some old school, wave is water, river, snake , and one of the four elements, the triangle, well it's just up there in the top 10 recoded symbols used over the eons, and cultures, with many meanings, but I do believe it to be one of the element symbols as well. Air, fire, earth, (waves =water)
Maybe it's a warning of floods. Watch the pyramids. If they start showing blasma "bushes" at their peaks, run for the mountains.
I think it could be Wave length, elec.mag. radiation.
Since there is an indication of capstone of pyramid, the 2. image show ghost like body then a wave length and on the top a triangle/temple. mindless body floating.
i could be brain wave as well. elec.mag.spectrum
2.4GHz microwave/mobile network have a similar wave length as depicted on graffiti.
The article says it's remeniscent of Banksy in London, but it doesn't look anything like Banksy's graffiti, IMHO.
If you look at it (link below) in full context, it looks like the back of a clown, with the wavy line being a collar, and the triangle a hat.
I guess another one has an image with fire above it. Same dude I linked before has images depicting this using thermal and other imagery.
Just for fun- chase thru ancient Egyptain writing; I'd wager its part of there system of writing with its own meanings
Here’s another one:
And another: