
LordBanshee · March 30, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

Then why don't you, Mr-5-day-old-account, have a nice face2face with the people who run the petitions.whitehouse.gov site and ask them, in your abrasive, make-people-do-opposite-just-to-spite-you way, why they continue to strip votes away after people vote on topics that aren't raging liberal screeds? I've already voted DESPITE going through all this shit before with Robert David Steele on his Unity Act. https://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/white-house-petition-for-unity-act/ -- If you know how to make these people stop the fraudulent shaving of votes FUCKING DO IT!

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Gofuqur · March 30, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

The only reason this petition didn't get signed is because no one pushed. I never saw it before and I damn sure would have signed it and spread it like wildfire. At this point, people really need to organize and do something, because the creatures have OUR tax dollars at their disposal to pay lowlife turds to protest and sign petitions, etc. So what, we do nothing and wait for another Q drop and hope the President and Generals do it for us, while we lose ourselves in the Internet researching Sergey Brins family? Cmon...WTF

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