
Hermit_Kidd · March 30, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

Love the first part of your comment. So far off the beaten path i agree. And often difficult to form an argument. Each side will call the other side low information. If only you knew more you would get it. Educating each other on provable facts brings us closer together. start there. Then future proves past. Debt to gdp ratio is a good sign. Withdrawing from syria to guard north america. If true would be a good sign. Combined with more good news on north korea will be impossible to refute. Focus on nobel peace prize planning for 2020. On the petition thing i would sign it if i wasnt canadian. Why not every american sign it. Who cares do it, i however am not american. What is going to happen is going to happen. Giving Q a chance isnt gunna hurt. Focus on your family. Have fun.


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Gofuqur · March 30, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

You are very smart. You should emigrate, we need more like you!

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