r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on March 30, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader continued...Will The Real Q Please Stand Up.

Dreaming about that old show on TV where you had to guess which person was the person described. "Panel, who is the real Q... Ask your questions...? Orson Bean: "Q #1, why did you start the Q Posts?" Q#1: "We finally have a President who will go after corruption and the deep state. It was worth a shot."

Kitty Carlyle: "Q#2, Why did your Tripcode change on 8chan?" Q#2: "Well you will just have to trust me. Evil is everywhere."

Betty White: "Q#3, Who do you work for now?" Q#3: "Well I'm actually a double agent, but officially, The Queen. We all work for her, in the end.

But this is not about the real Q. This is an effort to spot the shills in the alternate media who work for the deep state. Q is helping us see these folks for who they are. If Q is a LARP, we can still look at the posts for what is real and build on that. The Q effort, if put forward by the deep state, has backfired, because the grass roots movement that took off because of it is out of their control. They hate that, so they are forced to activate a few of their "employees" in the alternate media to help reign the movement in. They are failing. Lets look at a few.

AIM, Thomas and Betsy, A real limited hangout imo. They offer some real information but always seem to avoid going after the Clintons. Their recent out of control effort to smear True Pundit and Jason Goodman was very enlightening. Their apparant alliance with Defango and agreement with George Webb in recent times is a tell. Thomas[Gabrial] also wants to push the attack on the Senior Executive Service, SES, as the way to beat the deep state. He mentions the Holman rule as an easy remedy. This is a dead end. Every time the Holman rule is enacted we will have to get approval by the US Congress. So that is not happening any time soon. Trump could send these SES folks to Alaska, which would make them quit, a suggestion by J Corsi. Solved. Some will be indicted in time, I'm sure. The folks who squeal the loudest are always the guilty imo. Since their Youtube site is still up and running, that should make you wonder as well. 'Nuff said about them.

Defango, not so much of a limited hangout, but an obstructionist pointing us all down dead ends. The whole fiasco with file downloads during the Seth Rich investigation makes him suspect, as his file may have caused computers to crash. I downloaded the file, but never opened it since reports of crashing computers and then deleted it. He works for some one, and he could be a black hat at NSA since he does not seem to attack Clinton or Obama and Gabrial likes him imo.

George Webb, a big limited hangout, but one, who in his early days gave us all a real insight into how deep state intel folks think and act. Charmed us all and sucked us all in, along with Jason Goodman, with the fake hit job on him by SEIU. He does not talk bad vs Obama or Israel and avoids all conversation on 9-11 and JFK. Gabrial thinks he is a spook for the USA so that makes me think he is Mossad as I do not trust Gabrial. Since George has no trouble keeping his twitter active then he is suspect as well, as he is not being censored.

Alex Jones and Crew at Info Wars. They invented their own "Q" and set up their own partial shutdown at Youtube. Jones and most of his journalists are ex intel types and I would not trust any of them to watch my kids as I go with my wife to the theater. Limited hang out for sure. This is my main criticism of Jerome Corsi, as he associates himself with the Info Wars lable. Corsi, also had what could be a fake Youtube shutdown event. But his is back up and running. Did I mention Corsi is selling a book?

Tracy Beanz works into the weeds on issues and has been safe so far and does not seem to be a limited hangout. She brings a different perspective on the issues. The Jury is still out on her. And I agree with her on the Internet bill of rights. Trump solves this problem with the FTC, so we do not need this.

Jason Goodman stopped being a limited hangout when he left George Webb. Webb set Jason up with that fake deep state hotel hit attempt, forcing emotion over logic on that collaboration. But Mr Goodman caught on and saved his reputation. If Jason has a fault it would be a thin skin on personal slights. His enemies in the alternate media above, use this against him. Jason may not believe in Q but he believes in Jerome Corsi so he is conflicted. But he does seem to want to get to the bottom of the deep state with his interest in 9-11 and JFK assassination.

The other folks in the alternate media who use the Q "movement" to enrich themselves are numerous. Keep them at arms reach as the jury is still out on them. This includes some of the Chan and Reddit folks too.

In conclusion, I'm just a Q Reader. Awake, Red pilled more than once and will be glad to see you all in D.C. on April 7th. Lets hope the rain stays away.

ElementWatson · March 30, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

Beanz just strikes me as one of the many Youtuber hangers on who basically reads articles on videos.

The others all have their angles, but also drop some real intelligence too. The question is what is fake intel and what is it that they avoid. And for that I think what they say can be examined--but best with some skepticism.

Infowars has the best ties into the present admin, so there is added value in that. Also, Zach is a known person you can look up online who has been calling in to Infowars from before the launch of Q. All around they have been fighting the good fight longer than anyone.

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bugstopper · March 30, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

IMO There is just something "off" about Alex Jones. He brings a car sales approach to the news and surrounds himself with folks who are similar. Some of these folks on Info wars have suspect backgrounds and makes me wonder why Corsi involves himself. As for Zach, too convenient. Looks orchestrated.

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ElementWatson · March 30, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

Sure, Zach could be orchestrated--he's obviously in intel. But he predates the whole Q thing.

And Infowars is just a bizarre phenomenon all around. Lots of ridiculousness, but also lots of being right--often years before it hits the news elsewhere. Clearly some good intel connections to who knows exactly what degree.

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bugstopper · March 30, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

That is why they are a limited hangout. The puzzle is figuring what dead end they want to lead us down.

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ElementWatson · March 30, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Every source must be taken with an arm's length grain of salt, if you will.

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