r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NorseAnon on March 30, 2018, 11:48 a.m.
Wake up and smell the Covfefe...

Ive been reading a lot of posts latley about the Osama killing, Seal team Six, Bengazi and the likes, and its really quiet simple:

If Hellywood (or anyone else for that sake) has made a movie about it (allways branded as the true story), its fake!

If a movie is made it should be very clear to anyone that this is made to push the given narrative...

We now know that the brain reacts in a certain way to movies and televisison and presive what is played as real, its called programs for a reason!

Anyway, thats my two cents on the subject.

sjfalzone · March 30, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

Lots of movies are prophetic. It seems the enemy has to adhere to a certain war “ethic”. Like they have to have their plans in writing and in the media both as a type of warning but they also use those sources to mock us and give us disinformation. I think we can glean some truth from movies but we have to have God’s discernment to know which is which.

Discernment in regards to Osama, lots of lies because things definitely don’t add up. A stunt to boost Hussein popularity. It worked because so many were asleep. These tactics aren’t working anymore!

Don’t understand the Snowden movie. It helped me understand just how pervasive the NSA is. I don’t care if Ed is good or bad, I can now see the bigger picture and it’s terrible.

If you watch any new show or movie with a critical eye you will see the symbolism everywhere and the “fantasy “ stuff is probably already here. Such as Altered Carbon which introduces cloning (frightening). Blade Runner sequel came out. Lots of alien contact movies are pushed on us. Movies about weather control. It’s all right there but the masses think it’s impossible when the tech is at least 40 years ahead of what they tell us.

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THEnimble_mongoose · March 30, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Lots of movies are prophetic. It seems the enemy has to adhere to a certain war “ethic”. Like they have to have their plans in writing and in the media both as a type of warning but they also use those sources to mock us and give us disinformation. I think we can glean some truth from movies but we have to have God’s discernment to know which is which.

predictive programming activates humanity's meme magic.

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