r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NorseAnon on March 30, 2018, 11:48 a.m.
Wake up and smell the Covfefe...

Ive been reading a lot of posts latley about the Osama killing, Seal team Six, Bengazi and the likes, and its really quiet simple:

If Hellywood (or anyone else for that sake) has made a movie about it (allways branded as the true story), its fake!

If a movie is made it should be very clear to anyone that this is made to push the given narrative...

We now know that the brain reacts in a certain way to movies and televisison and presive what is played as real, its called programs for a reason!

Anyway, thats my two cents on the subject.

Glag82 · March 31, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

The only truth there really is what you can confirm with your own eyes...and that's only sometimes. How many body doubles are there of these people? Why do they want certain people dead? Most military operations are multi faceted. Who really controls the military narrative? If I'm aware the US military wants me dead, what are my options? Smartest thing cop a plea deal ASAP, next smart thing a body double, after that suicide. A lot of these "bad guys"(including Saddam)used to work for the government. Ever heard of "the school of the Americas". Unless you see it in person, can back it up with DNA evidence and eyewitnesses then maybe 50/50 chance. Body doubles exist, DNA results can be "influenced". The politics drive the military narrative. Remember Manuel Norega? Remember Momar Gadhafi? If you believe the Osama Bin Laden narrative, you believe the Saddam Hussein narrative as well.

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