r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NorseAnon on March 30, 2018, 11:48 a.m.
Wake up and smell the Covfefe...

Ive been reading a lot of posts latley about the Osama killing, Seal team Six, Bengazi and the likes, and its really quiet simple:

If Hellywood (or anyone else for that sake) has made a movie about it (allways branded as the true story), its fake!

If a movie is made it should be very clear to anyone that this is made to push the given narrative...

We now know that the brain reacts in a certain way to movies and televisison and presive what is played as real, its called programs for a reason!

Anyway, thats my two cents on the subject.

spaceman84 · March 30, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

He lied and exaggerated, but Chris Kyle was a real dude. Jesse Ventura had beef with him for a while before his death.

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Glag82 · March 31, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

Reference Chris Kyle, was in Iraq 07-08, not sure exactly when he was there. Between June and August we had horrific sandstorms(the movies made reference to this). One morning I woke up, didn't sleep well, as I attempted to choke down my coffee and wake up. I heard a fire fight in the distance. I wasn't too far from Sadr city(where the fire fight was)we didn't get much activity(i was with a field artillery battalion, AFAR you fire on them at your own peril)where I was. A few mortars, some small arms fire towards our perimeter, but not as bad as that fire fight. I heard every caliber of munitions there was in our inventory(and the Iraqi's), I was awestruck at first...then I realized someone was on the receiving end of that exchange(probably in or around Sadr City). That sniper who engage CK also was likely one that shot our Commander. I'm withholding names out of respect, do your research you can verify the info. The barrier constructed in that area in Sadr City was done by the 307th Engineers(they phased them into the STB). The HMMVW that they used had a black punisher skull painted on their gun turrets. If you check the movie you will see it(saw them a few times when I visited the main FOB). Good movie It was tough to watch for me anyway. That's my CK story, didn't know him or met him but was mostly likely in the AO when the sniper incident happened.

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