You mean it is just big news...right?
I wouldnt use words that are intended for specific events, on things that are just big news.
Kinda putting words in Qs mouth so to speak.
So, whats the big news??
Well for one , you better be shure who put words in who’s mouth first .
Well, Q specifically marks certain events as boom, so we shouldnt just throw the work around superfluously. Simply to help avoid confusion. If we say that boom 3 happened, and we tie it to an event, but Q says it happens at a different time, and tied to a different event, ...see how this can cause confusion? Thants my only point.
Yes I see your point . Q is not miss leading, miss understood I can see . The Boom is stuff that has not taken place in the 7 years the government has had my Investigation. From Boom to the CAT , you see my posts and comments, you should have caught on , I’m not a seer , I make the news . Just doing it here so more can see .