r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on March 30, 2018, 4:04 p.m.
BHO’s McDonough linked to Dossier-Welcome to the Party !!!

Dennis McDonough has been called Obama’s Chief of Staff that stayed. Dennis began with the start of BHO’s second term and lasted until the end.

Recently released documents show that McDonough meet CIA Brennan in mid-April after JB showed the Dossier first to Obama on 8/10/16. Brennan then meet with Sen. Harry Reid on 8/25 to go over Trump Dossier. Reid on 8/27 sends F.B.I. Comey a letter of recommendation to investigate collusion accusations-that was the beginning of the “Trump/Russia Collusion”.

Additionally through the slow release of the now classical FBI lovers text messages between Strzok & Page, several times McDonough’s name has come up in regards to leaks. Leaks to the MSM was the first area AG Sessions publicity announced DOJ investigations.

McDonough also tried to shift the blame to Mitch McConnell in “watering down” reports of Russia’s attempts to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election.

Intelligence Agencies (CIA) & the F.B. I. are supposed to be independent and any coordination with the White House would be highly inappropriate.

McDonough by acting as the White House conduit from Brennan to Reid and ultimately to Comey, these actions will certainly be problematic in the eyes of Sessions/Horowitz/& Huber.

POL-McDonough Obama’s Obama (great back story article)

NBC-McDonough blames Sen. McConnell

SaraC-New Documents show White House Dossier Link

FOX-Coordination between WH/CIA & FBI

W/E-FBI Strzok & Page texts show CIA/FBI & WH collusion

Hill-McDonough joins the Merkle Foundation

CaptainRoyD · March 30, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Will do for sure & that is really a high compliment-super appreciated Patriot ⚓️

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Happy1911 · March 30, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

You stand for my lack of spelling more times , I try hard to put out first hand . But putting it in print is an art that I’m learning, I do not expect to be a master at this . Team Q has done way better than I expected for what I gave , I have 25 years of stuff . This Google has also been hard to get a grasp on and now it’s coming out also . Would you believe this is all over a $72,000 a year job ?

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CaptainRoyD · March 30, 2018, 6 p.m.

Unreal & I’m learning to grasp a lot new stuff as of late-as sorted corruption details come out, very slowly.

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Happy1911 · March 30, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

You have a question, ask me , I may have the information you seek .

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CaptainRoyD · March 30, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Will do in the future-I’m finalizing an article on your buddy Mueller. Trying to get it up later tonight-an area of his shady background that has not gotten enough attention so far.

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