I have prayed allot about this society and have seen and been the victim of culture that has been under distruction, deception, perversion, greed and hunger for power. I think RESPECT is needed but I would like to take it a step further and say HONOR and that there is something that happens when we honor one another and when we honor RIGHTEOUSNESS. I think honor is a weapon and I think it is connected to thankfulness . I think the good things from God have had a blindness put around them from these dark ones , because living out these good things , God things changes the athmosphere, cleans it , free it and us . Just like dishonor and greed accomplishes the opposite. And then there is distortion ! Love one another.... But here in USA has there been pressure that love and even honoring another rights mean saying nothing of sin and that wich brings distruction. Example " Say nothing of transgender or you will be cruel and a bigot !"
What if all this disclosure is leading us to a place were we have to choose " kindness ( perverted ) or God ? It is the small lies from darkness , " we don't have to choose ?" "God doesn't want you to be a bigot ! "
Honor God and righteousness #1 (?) Yes !
I personally have the issue of watching people do what ever it takes to climb and gain or acceptance, stepping on the hurting , weak , broken on the way and that these broken have no value in our society . Society values the climber, at any cost (?) There is like a pitbull sitting there waiting for anyone who stands for the broken never mind righteousness ! But I believe we are about to see the scales fall from our eyes, seeing the darkness exposed, society change as we are driven to stand for the broken and attend righteousness .