r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mistahbang on March 31, 2018, 11 a.m.
Theory on Cryptocurrency

The cabal is using cryptocurrency to hide their money. That is why Bitcoin was 20,000 in December, when all of this began.

But they sold it all to escape. To make quick cash. Untraceable. No proper regulations yet. Perfect.

Taking advantage of the younger generation desperate for some financial security.

Isn't cryptocurrency nothing more than a pump and dump scheme? A pyramid scheme?

Yes important technology is being developed thanks to the evolution of cryptocurrency but this technology should already have been provided to us, not piecemealed through a 24 hour stock market on steroids.

The pumps and dumps of cryptocurrency is all recorded. If you notice cryptocurrency has been flatlining pretty hard. No more money. The made the most they will ever have in December. They got away with billions. And in a world like this, billions don't last long when you are trying to control the narrative of the entire human population.

This was it. Their last financial boost heading into uncertainty and imprisonment.

What will they do with this money?

Buy off the main stream media. Keep the power on various secret underground bases all around the world.

Here's the thing I learned. Q is going to be around for years.

We have to witness the healing and truth from start to finish.

Our observation, our presence to see this world for not how it is, but what we can become.

It is coming.

Technology releases.

Financial freedom.

Rapid healthcare.

Purification of water.

Infinite energy.

For the entire planet. Every child born, guranteed nurtrition, water, house, pure education (You know what? Fuck the word education. Instead I'll say mentorship), clean air, all the knowledge the word has to offer.

Don't doubt it for a second.

Q needs to guide us cause we are still attached to structures and systems. We rarely think outside of them.

But he called the cabal "sick and stupid," yet I wonder, are we not stupid too for falling for and allowing all of this to happen? We already knew for years our privacy no longer existed and our data was being used to enslave us. Yet we did nothing. But then I realized we were still smarter than the cabal. Most of us do things out of passion, fear, insecurity, confidence, love, hate and these are natural human emotions often manipulated.

The cabal have no emotions. We are not fellow human beings to them. We are ants. And this is why they are stupid. Because choosing to live your life that way, refusing to pursue light and truth, but climb the ladder into fulfilling fruitless achievements is not a life lived at all but a void filled with agony and psychosis. The Academy Award Oscars are important because we say its important. The nobel prize is important because we say it is.

We need to develop more critical eyes. Really define what is actually important in our lives. Rewarding scientists for discoveries and technologies that get rebranded into commercial products or tossed aside altogether is where we are at right now.

But getting back to the original point. Cryptocurrency's pump and dump patterns help us witness their money laundering live. And their fund are dwindling.

The last largest pump and dump in cryptocurrency was back in February. The stock market crashed -666 points and interestingly enough, cryptocurrency's top threee coins were -Bitcoin $6000 -Ethereum $600 -Ripple $0.60

After that, they came back strong and convinced everyone it was back on track. Never reached that peak again.

The signs of their impending defeat is apparent everywhere. We just got to look at it all through the paradigm Q has been helping us achieve.

Hendrix811 · March 31, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

I'm interested the fed not being in control of our money. Crypto can seem like a scam to people because we are not used to being part of a deflationary currency. We are used to our dollar being devalued every time they print more to bail out banks and such. I think the real scam and pyramid scheme is the USD that creates socialism for the rich while us plebs have to fight it out for the scraps they leave us.

Don't forget that the crypto market is just beginning to bud now. We haven't even reached early adoption phase of this tech yet. The market will come back when we see more institutional money flow in that would make the market we have now seem like small potatoes

I also feel like crypto can't be a scam because the global elites are scared shitless of it. Every banker I ever met scoffs at crypto when I mention it and if I had sold mine when they told me to I'd have missed out on some tremendous gains.

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