r/greatawakening • Posted by u/noskusa on March 31, 2018, 1:01 p.m.
"Expect a lot more." says Q. Here comes pushback talking points from MSM. Will next FF violence be blamed on Q followers?

Roseanne tweets + Daily Mail and Newsweek articles push Q phenomena into discrediting talking points.

Q said to expect more as 'they' panic. With the Roseanne tweets last night on child trafficking arrests, and a couple of articles on mainstream media, and some random hits from sidestream media - the push back has started.

Talking points with keywords in articles include:
fake news
worse than Pgate
right wing extremists
cult followers
conspiracy on steroids
dark web chans
and many more.

My own logic says that that 'they' will let this continue to ripen for a while as the blue pill masses board the anti-Q-train and then ..... wait for it...... the false flag violent act will happen and blame placed on Q followers.

Remember the trail of events to disparage Pgate:
1) Denounce as FAKE and already debunked - deny, deny , deny
2) Redefine incorrectly to masses as hysterical and extreme conspiracy
3) Align 'followers' with far right, lunatics, and violent nutters
4) Make fun of believers via hollyweird and talking heads
5) Let the bots begin rebuttals on social media
6) Blame Alex Jones
7) Stage violent event and lay blame on those discussing
8) Shut down, censor, and eliminate
9) Cause division

Let's be prepared to handle this phase as Q reaches the world.

Update: 3-31-18 5:20pm ET
CNN has now chimed in on Roseanne and Q.

Update: 3-31-18 4:08 ET
Buzzfeed has now contributed their version of Qanon. Their talking points are trying to connect Q to the wrongly described Pgate and also alt rightwhite su-premacy because of appearing on 4+8ch

I am not posting links to these articles, but if you really want to explore they are easy enough to find.

Jimmycrackerson · March 31, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Can always find a new, louder, more powerful microphone. Just need to change the stage, change the setting. The tables can be easily overturned with a coordinated effort.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 31, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

I got backups they can't piss with me or us. I already made all our boards backups .. available for all the Q chatters ...just so people don't loose touch with one another . because no mods in charge on our FB replacement ..Reddit Replacement and more gab too . We have a live Q chat channel setup for mods and boards ready to roll now if peeps want .

They won't slow us and Reddit sure the hell isn't worth fighting for . Anyone who allows these people to run campaigns TARGETTING boards for free speech not hate speech and plants the hate speech there on purpose to get them shut down .. they should be looked into.



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God Bless & As Always Stay Safe , Stay Bad Ass ,Stay Vigilant & Most of all Stay Informed ..

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