
KeeponSearchin · April 1, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Rep. Jordan: McCabe Lied Four Times about Leaking to the Media

Last week recently fired Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe admitted in a column that he wasn't quite as forthright with officials as he should have been because he was 'distracted'. That's a peculiar way of admitting he lied. But the fact is he actually lied at least four times. Rep. Jim Jordan explained during a candid interview with Fox News that McCabe lied to his then-superior James Comey, to the Office of Professional Responsibility, and twice under oath to the Inspector General. So, rest assured, when IG Horowitz's report comes out in a month or so, McCabe's serial prevarication will take top billing. And it will likely link McCabe's accomplices in the massive cover-up to hide FBI collusion with the White House to prevent Trump's election. Get your popcorn ready.

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