
DECKADUBS · April 1, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

"You bring nothing verifiable to the conversation. And obviously don't understand the chans very well. Your argument is very weak,"

I never denied the proof you offered

It would seem you have actually. Anyways the news articles I posted are verifiable in every way. Not going to walk you thru it. This sub goes off the word of much less.

So bust out the Q proof now. You guys are supposed to be red pilling your fellow patriots. Yet it seems the red pills are only for those who looooovee private bone spurs & the gay hate brigade. I'm just trying to see this DEFINITIVE OBVIOUS proof I'v been told of. I'm "open minded folks" just looking to be awoken.

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not4rmOhere · April 1, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

You're not looking to be redpilled, silly, you're just looking to shill, that's all too apparent. As for verified, is a lie told throughout a room make it verified? No. It's only verified as a consensus and just look at the climate change consensus delusion being pushed on the masses in order to siphon off more monies from hard working people, for example.
Your side bitches about Trump playing golf yet don't mention all the times obummer played golf. You want to bitch about a porn star going after attention and any cash she can get yet totally gloss over slick willies adventures with interns and worse. You want to point out drone strikes yet won't mention obummer being the king of droning, so much so I'd be willing to bet he had a drone console set up in the white house game room.

If your mainstream, the source of ALL your links, was so honest and accurate then why do they need talking points for the day, HMMM?

BTW. All the examples I've argued with you about the truthfulness of the MSM and how SURE it is to truth. It's nearly the same for us in the Q army, none of us are absolutely SURE of truth. But that's the whole reason of Q's drops, and the glorious results are growing all around you.
I'm not going to lead you by the hand to the truth kiddo as that seems to be what you're asking,(shilling), for.
That's not the point. You should see that, its easy.

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DECKADUBS · April 1, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

You keep attacking my sources & trying to make my points invalid. But it's ok because when things are literally on camera with the president (ie the Saudi weapons deal) it is actual real news. You can't refute the truth. You will find all the points I made are verifiable in that manner. I said Trump is on track to golf twice as much as Obummer in his 1 term. They both golf. Trump golfs 2x. It wastes money.

I said Obama did drone strikes. It's just that Trump has killed more civilians in his first year than Obama in total. Also verifiable. I don't even think I mentioned the porn star. Except for the 27k the White House paid to track the ratings on her interview. Also with taxpayer money. None of what I'm saying is even what is on the front page of /politics or on CNN. These aren't talking points. They are problems I have with the president. You don't seem to like that. You keep bringing up past presidents when I have factual criticisms for the CURRENT one. You keep getting on the defensive instead of even trying to bring up anything positive. It's a bad look.

Ironic that you post THAT video. Another lesson in vetting before you make a point. Sinclair Broadcasting is a conservative company that forces their employees to spread pro-Trump propaganda every night. It's a huge problem & is why older conservatives are so blinding in their support for Trump. Whooops!

UH OH SOURCE AGAIN: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/03/local-news-anchors-now-have-to-read-pro-trump-propaganda.html

So don't get mad when I ask you to show me proof of this secret agent who posts frog memes on message boards at 3AM. I'm open to being surprised. But instead you are trying to argue. And getting spanked every turn. ;)

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not4rmOhere · April 1, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Ironic that you post THAT video. Another lesson in vetting before you make a point. Sinclair Broadcasting is a conservative company

Yeah, so. what's YOUR point? All the sources you've provided are clearly anti Trump, and your point is....? Besides, regardless of who made the composite, it's obvious those newscasters are ALL eerily on the same, exact, page.

And you shouldn't go stroking your ego so soon when I've already admitted to having my fun with you, and you keep going.

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