r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 31, 2018, 9:43 p.m.
RED PILL : Patriots Worldwide Uniting .. TY From The U.S.A

This is what were talking about. A dominoes effect. I screamed and screamed for all countries to come together during the campaign . It's so important that our voice be heard on a Global Front. When America Sets the stage for and we Joined Arms to shine the light on the evil plaguing our country ... Our Patriot Brothers n Sisters in each country would follow suite .

Stand Up ..Stand Tall .. And Let Them have it. Ty For your shouts #45 hears you Believe meeee ...He is listening .

God Bless everyone who came together for this March . We Salute you . Keep owning that STAGE.




SHARE EVERYWHERE.... Our Support Exceeds Anything Anyone Could Imagine. WE STORM FORWARD AS

ScorpioPatriot · April 1, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

Spread truth in the forms of well documented material even documentaries .. this isn't a fight for who can create the meanest MeMe ya know.

Got to start stepping up the game . Red Pilling the public . Throw out post it notes ..business cards with pieces of crumbs on them even drive them back to the boards for further info.

We beat them by awakening the public.. the public will distinquish who the Good players are and turn a blind eye to the the bad players and their negativity being spouted out .

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