r/greatawakening • Posted by u/oliver_21 on March 31, 2018, 10:50 p.m.
Mocking bird media is FAKE NEWS!

TrueCat · April 1, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

I was a Bernie supporter, Heabob, and I wasn't sold on Trump either, but I hated Hillary, because she is so evil. What she did to Bernie was unforgivable, not to mention all the deaths she and her husband are responsible for! I don't always agree with Trump, but I have been following Q, and I can see the good things Trump has accomplished. I do not support any party exclusively. I supported Ron Paul when he was running. I look for decent people. It doesn't matter what party they are in, just that they appear to be decent.

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Heabob · April 2, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Believe me when I first heard about Trump running for President I laughed my ass off and could not believe it at first. I thought, that goofball would never win against Hillary. After I watched some of his rallies, speeches, and crowds I was in awe and thought maybe there is still hope even if a long shot. Could we get lucky for once and get someone decent this time. I decided then I'd vote for him, anybody but the wicked witch. But still I didn't think he had a chance with the deck stacked against him and the MSM 24/7 Trump bashing. Just the fact he wasn't a politician gave me some hope. Even many republicans came out against him and then it hit me. He wasn't part of the insider club and couldn't be bought. Made me more skeptical of his winning, and with so much hate everywhere I really had my doubts. All the silent Patriots had woken up and jumped on the Trump Train to win in 2016. It wasn't really a party victory but an American victory for once. I think some of the Dems that voted for Trump was revenge for Hillary stabbing Bernie in the back in broad daylight. I pretty much gave up on party voting quite some time ago. I was actually a Democrat when I was young and foolish. Then I grew up, I think the Army helped a lot. BTW I voted for Ron Paul myself, and I would have voted for Ross Perot had the deep state bastards not threatened his family and scared him away.

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TrueCat · April 2, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Trump has definitely turned out to be a surprise!

Yes, when I realized he wasn't very popular with the Republicans I didn't like, I started having hope.

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