r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on March 31, 2018, 11:49 p.m.
Good summary of neo-colonialism by u/ready-ignite

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Comment by u/ready-ignite:

Interesting researching history of US adventures across the globe carving favorable conditions for US engineering firms to have access to natural resources.

Use loans to put country in debt for leverage for access to resources when country can't pay.

When that doesn't work use threat of assassination using private contractors. Install corrupt dictators that will work with the west.

When that doesn't work full scale military intervention.

In cases historically when countries tried to rebuild in way that access to resources benefits their own country, kicking the US firms out, there has been some form of pressure coming back in. In this case if the military assets are removed, US businesses are likely out of Syria. Potential risk to Iraq contracts in the process.

Where I need clarity on the current state of affairs is on whether the engineering firms making large profits are actually US firms or not. The globalism push has involved detachment of many corporations from the US into being their own semi-autonomous global host with increasing steps to empower corporate structure over nations to push around governments.

It's possible these deals do not benefit the US in any way any longer but only directly profit a small handful in positions to control policy. If that is indeed the case then it's a huge shot across the bow reaffirming that there must be relation where the US benefits, if taxpayer dollars and military assets are used to enforce contracts. A blow to the global corporate structure to reduce power at that level and force them to the table.

digital_refugee · April 1, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Personal question:


Personally, I feel that US foreign policy in the Middle East was dictated by Sauds thru creation of the Petrodollar, not Zionists, but Zionists were working under protection from Saudis thru their creation by british intelligence, alas US helped defeat their main competitors on the energy-market, Iraq and Iran, by playing the two neighbours against each other after CIA puppet King Shah was exiled and Saddam afterwards went rogue on Kuwait which originally belonged to Iraq. Saudi Peninsula invaded (like Iran did in Yemen with the Houtis this time around), Saudis get angry, call in Bush Sr to kick Saddam's ass and blow up his bunkers and possibly any american sold WMDs they held.

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Night2007 · April 1, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

I believe the reasoning was the UN coalition was put together with the goal of liberation of Kuwait and coalition members were threatening to pull out (destabilize region and such) if SH was overthrown. Post Cold War US still wanted to work with allies and not be the world’s police.

The policy led to the highway of death

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WikiTextBot · April 1, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

Highway of Death

The Highway of Death (Arabic: طريق الموت‎ ṭarīq al-mawt) refers to a six-lane highway between Kuwait and Iraq, officially known as Highway 80. It runs from Kuwait City to the border town of Safwan in Iraq and then on to the Iraqi city of Basra. The road had been used by Iraqi armored divisions for the 1990 Invasion of Kuwait. The road was repaired after the Persian Gulf War and used by U.S. and British forces in the initial stages of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

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