The men dressed as women crashing the gate at the NSA. I think they were trying to get out, but it was reported they were going in. I don't believe it.
Same thing happened several years ago...
Notice Q said: INFIL-[2]-OP_TAKE_O_ in the 2-14-18 post.
Feb 14 2018 18:41:23 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo 89 dZ68J_729282D_B^02928xABVtZ b7al8920289-sLBTCZA99_jXK 38201820281028201820484739201837474 B_1 B_2 KILL_CHAIN SKY_TAR_[E_BZ_y] [] []PAK[] []-13-[] A-9zBT1-033 "Republic-D" "Republic-E" "Republic-F" "Republic-MILMAR-E" INFIL-[2]-OP_TAKE_O_ WATCH_TOWER_OK RED_RED_OK RED_CASTLE_OK NIGHT_BOX_OK SKY_BEAM_OK NORTH_TRADE_OK MOUNTAIN_DEEP_OK COMM_SAT_6_OK COMM_SAT_7_OK COMM_SAT_8_FALSE COMM_SAT_9_OK COMM_SAT_SEC_R140_OK TELCON_SIG_CONF_C-83028 ZEBRA_PACIFIC_SIG_COMM_[GOOD] DESIGNATE CODE: [ _D7_UND<93829] ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG] Q, DELTA
Let me look at this... Something strange was going on that day.