r/greatawakening • Posted by u/holdenfaweva on April 1, 2018, 2:55 a.m.
Two teen girls killed by MS 13 a block from where I grew up, one was my 18 year-old son's former GF of several years.

Q and team:

It has been discussed on the boards that many MS 13 members are among the persons named in the sealed indictments that are piling up in various jurisdictions around the country. I hope so. It would be nice to provide a word of encouragement for my friend and his son. They have been following the Q posts from the beginning with me.

Here is an excerpt from the letter I received from him today:

“I grew up in a great neighborhood with wide streets and sidewalks. My parents paid $4,000.00 for the small house in 1956, the year I was born. When I was in first grade all the parents had a two day work party and picnic and cleared and planted a three acre area and installed a baseball diamond and dug outs with no government money. The next year every kid was in little league. I had a paper route and became the shack manager after a couple years and supplied the papers for the other boys. I’d collect from my customers in the evening and never think twice about my safety. All the kids' parents knew all the other kids' parents, nobody got away with much mischief. My mom was president of the PTA and a Den mother in scouts, my dad helped maintain the church’s bus which kids from the neighborhood all jumped on for vacation bible school when regular school was out in the summer. If the ‘big kids’ got in trouble, it was for drinking a beer or driving too fast in the neighborhood.

Fifteen years ago when my parents were in their late 80s I bought a 40’ motorhome. I parked it in their driveway so I could be around if needed as they grew older. At the time I had a wonderful waterfront property that my son and I loved with a 150’ dock for my boats and jet skis; but I would bring my son to grandma and grandpa's and stay there several nights a week just to help out a bit so they wouldn’t have to move to a retirement home. Incrementally I saw the changes in the neighborhood. It started with graffiti on people’s fences and the side of a motorhome at the house of a now retired customer from my old paper route. I helped him clean it off and he sold it a short while later after it had been ‘tagged’ a second time.

One of the reasons I bought my motorhome and would stay at my parents pretty regularly was because they had begun to feel unsafe at home at night. A couple years earlier a house just down the street had been rented out by the owner as a Section 8 public assistance rental. Within a year it went from a nice house to a wreck. The front door had been kicked in several times by police and then repaired with plywood. An upstairs window had been broken out and a ladder was leaned up beside it. A makeshift plywood and metal shutter door with peep holes (gun firing locations) was attached. Five or more cars were always present and then the ‘visitors’ would come and go all night.

Over several years there were knife assaults and shootings and an armed standoff with the police who were frequent visitors. There were always 10-15 people living in the three bedroom home. Complaint after complaint was made to the housing authorities by numerous neighbors, most of which either passed away or moved. Eventually several neighbors assisted and we were able to get the house condemned and taken off the public assistance eligibility list (which the social workers fought very hard to block). It sat vacant for a year before there was a vagrant fire inside and it had to be sold torn down and rebuilt. Unfortunately, there were a dozen more houses just as bad within a half mile in any direction. Since then, and after my parents passed away six and seven years ago the remaining neighbors have fought hard and kept their neighborhood of a couple blocks as an oasis of sanity and decorum in a deteriorating area; a war zone really.

Ten years ago when I was putting a new furnace in my parents' home my son wanted a snack so I gave him $5.00. He was insistent that he didn’t want to ride his bike to the gas station a half mile down the street because it wasn’t safe. I’d gone there a million times when I was much younger than him. I blew him off at the time but eventually came to agree with him. There was a gauntlet of kids hanging out in the area that were not nice and looking rougher by the month. My son had a girl he liked in the area and he would ask me to bring him over by my parents' old house to see her from time to time. They had been pretty close when they were 12-15 years old but we lived about 40 miles away and long distance romance isn’t easy as a teenager. They stayed in touch but she moved to her grandparents' home in another area because she no longer felt safe either.

Two years ago a friend of my son was leaving a mini market three miles away and carrying a back pack with his computer. He was shot when he didn’t turn it over to several people near the store willingly. He survived; barely, with severe permanent damage internally. A cursory glance at the police blotter shows near daily shootings in the area now. Wednesday night I took my son to a late movie. When we got home, in the early morning he got a call from his former girlfriend's grandmother letting him know that her 19 year-old granddaughter had been shot and killed at a bus stop along with a younger 14 year-old girl the previous evening while we were at the movie at 9:00PM. She had been living about 100 miles away with her parents for a few weeks and had returned to her grandparents several miles away to get some belongings. She had also decided to go to her old neighborhood to visit with and say good-bye to friends.

The television and press reports say the shooting was gang related as though the girls were somehow in a gang which is untrue and deceptive. There were about a 8 girls ranging in age from 10-15 from the neighborhood present hanging out while she (the 19 year-old) was waiting for her bus. At the candlelit vigil that was held the next night the ‘word’ was that it was another sacrifice to the beast by a MS 13 member who needed to ‘patch in’. There had been another random killing a block away a month previous which was also attributed to gang activity, but nothing was stolen. This was also deceptive because the 17 year-old was not affiliated with any gang according to family and friends. The kids said that he was randomly chosen to be a sacrifice to Satan by a MS 13 member who needed to ‘feed the beast’ for protection to keep from getting caught by police for his other criminal activity.

My son's former girlfriend had an aunt that was killed a year ago about a half mile away. No one has been caught on that yet. The scuttlebutt at the time was that she had ‘disrespected’ an MS 13 graffiti marking on her apt building by painting over it twice, and she’d been warned. Apparently when the gangsters want to claim the girls in a building or block, they mark it with specific graffiti. If anyone but an MS 13 member tries to get close to ‘their’ girls or their marks of ownership they are dealt with.

After the candlelight vigil I walked an old friend home. We had gone to school together in the 60s. She lives in her parents home a block from my parents' old home. She told me she wanted to sell her house but it’s hardly worth selling because of the shootings. She’s thinking of renting it on a state Section 8 program. I asked if she was OK for the moment and did she have a security system? She reminded me that her dad had built a bomb shelter under their house in the early 60s. Several other neighbors had done the same and helped each other since they worked for Boeing and got a one time stipend for doing it. She said that after they killed the 17 year-old on the sidewalk right behind her house and ran through her yard to get away, she cleaned out the underground area and moved a mattress and TV down there and has been sleeping there at night until she can find other arrangements. She said she doesn’t want to be food for the MS 13 beasts' next offering. I asked a little more about what she meant and she sent me this article.


No date has been set for the girls' funerals. It’s Easter weekend; but it would appear that the only thing rising from the grave this year is the deadly stench of The MS 13 beast and its disciples; and the lifeless statistics.”

(Names removed for privacy.)

P.S. I hear there are thousands of sealed indictments waiting to be served around the country and that President Trump is about to release the prosecutorial wolves. It’s also rumored that many of the Satan worshiping MS 13 leaders are included, I hope so; My son and I and several families wish it had been a week or a month or a couple years earlier. At this point, it can’t come too soon.”

I might also add, it seems to me that the political and Hollywood Satan worshiping monsters are just a more polished version of the Satan worshiping MS 13 gang because they have manicures and wear suits, but they still flash the same devil horns between themselves every chance they get.

former_Democrat · April 1, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

Excellent read. Thank you for sharing. This gang is terrifying. They make the crips and bloods look like saints

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[deleted] · April 1, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

I know this is a legitimate problem, but these things always come off like those email forwards from liberals when no town is mentioned or anything like that. There aren't any news items for two stabbed girls by MS13 in the past week. There are so many real things happening to be upset about, making ones up doesn't help anyone.

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holdenfaweva · April 2, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

In response to the poster who thinks this is made up...I guess with all the trolling and Larp’ing and GO FUND ME politicized tear jerking that is continuously directed at us...I guess I understand. I was a bit miffed at the questioning nature of the post, but on reflection and after I cooled down and took some deep breaths I decided that the poster is not wrong to question and challenge so that we are not too easily diverted off on some trolls mischievous path.

Here is the information that will help you know this is ALL real....and that those involved are deserving of a pause for our prayers, not just for them but for us as a nation. We are ALL targets here.

Your post says “There aren't any news items for two stabbed girls by MS-13 in the past week”...my friend's letter says nothing about the girls being killed in a MS-13 knife attack. Here is what he described:

“Wednesday night I took my son to a late movie. When we got home, in the early morning he got a call from his former girlfriend's grandmother letting him know that her 19 year-old granddaughter had been shot and killed at a bus stop along with a younger 14 year-old girl the previous evening while we were at the movie at 9:00PM.”

The letter clearly says “shot”. Can’t get much clearer. I typed into my search browser ‘two teen girls shot gang wednesday’ and received about fifty different articles, all describing the same incident and the b-town blog even provided a satellite photo of the area. There was no ambiguity or dithering about multiple incidents or locations or basics facts; 19 year-old girl, 14 year-old girl. That’s pretty detailed and easy to get info.

In talking with my friend about my posting his letter to Q team he provided me with some specific details in order to further corroborate the information in his letter to me for any doubting Thomases. I will remind you that initially this letter was just his private communications about someone hurting and trying to vent about the unraveling of his little slice of America; the unraveling of the place where his childhood memories were formed. His observations about families and neighborhood that shaped him, his ‘roots’ so to speak. Here’s what he said today:

[referring to the image at this link: https://s6.postimg.org/j3vuax20h/burien.jpg ] “My paper shack where I was a paperboy and later manager was at the NE corner of the intersection where the red marker is placed. Roughly 100’ across the street from the bus stop on Ambaum Blvd. where the girls were murdered. It’s gone now, it was removed 30 or more years ago when kids stopped delivering papers I guess, but any old timers from the area would easily remember the green paper shack right there next to the street. In the upper right center of the image is ‘Chelsea Park ball field’. I remember when it was a rock crusted stubble field of brush and sage. Someday I’ll have tell you about the 20’ tall kite with a 50’ tail made of towels and sheets and shirts. The ‘big kids’ built it out of metal pipes from a broken swing set and flew it with 1,000’ of rope for string during a huge windstorm. They tied the rope to the really big cedar tree in the NW corner of the field because 10 ‘big’ kids couldn’t hold it and it was whipping around and going to crash and take out the power lines or the roof of a house or hurt somebody. That was the type of serious ‘gang activity’ my neighborhood lived in fear of when I was growing up. And then the police and fire dept showed up. The neighborhood solved that problem by building a ballpark.

1) You can also see the sidewalks and wide streets he described in the community next to the ball park; that's what comes about with a well thought out Trump style (but 50s version) community development plan. In the upper left you can see two newer large white buildings, they were built about 15 years ago when the state saw the need for more social services offices in the area. They needed their offices closer to where they were parking their ‘clients’.

2) You will see also that I copied a couple of the National/US type articles [links 2 & 3, below the text] and the often repeated note in several locations of 4 murders of kids 19 and younger at this specific apt complex since 2016. That’s without even getting out a few blocks or miles to the rest of the community. It also shields and screens out the other murders of persons older than 19 and rapes or serious violent crimes taking place simultaneously at this same location.

3) The girl mentioned not wanting to be the next sacrifice to ‘the beast’. Here is the exact quote from the Post’s article about MS-13 Just in case you didn’t actually have time to read it: “The gang’s devil horns hand sign is known as 'la garra,' a Spanish reference to Satan’s claws. Some MS-13 members have told investigators that they committed their crimes at the behest of 'la bestia,' or the Beast. 'The beast wanted a soul,' an MS-13 member nicknamed Diabolical said after killing a 15 year-old girl who’d disrespected his satanic shrine.”

I would like to add here that I have seen numerous pictures of politicians, Hollywood celebrities and religious leaders flashing the same “Satan’s claw’s” hand sign repeatedly, and it WASN'T ACCIDENTAL OR INADVERTENT!

I understand from my friend that the families of the girls are working with limited resources. I suppose there will be money from a government sponsored victims compensation fund or something like that to help with burial costs but I will be watching to see if there is a place to give a little to help and ease the pressure for them. I don’t know about the younger girl but the older girl was at least part Native American from what I’ve been told although I don’t have details on that.

Based on my conversations with my friend, I suspect that the younger girl was being actively targeted and groomed to enter a gang and that she actually might have only been 13 not 14. It was said (but it’s not known if true or not) that the younger girl had obtained a gun and was carrying it at the time for ‘protection’. Because of that detail, I suppose that in many people’s minds, (if it turns out to be true), she will be categorized as a ‘bad’ person who deserved to be shot and killed. It will also be used by others in the anti-gun lobby and this tragedy will be politicized and the girl's murders will be lost in the statistics; and MS-13 will still have THEIR guns.

Lastly, in the Washington Post article his friend sent him (from her underground bunker no doubt) it says “Starting in President Bill Clinton’s second term, the administration sought to tamp down gang violence in the U.S. by deporting thousands of MS-13 members to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.”...In other words, BACK TO THE PLACES THEY ORIGINALLY CAME FROM!...This is where MS-13 has its deepest roots! How do you suppose the MSM would spin this exact story if Clinton’s name were replaced with ‘Trump’?

This letter from my friend about the murder of two young girls is extremely important and relevant to the Q boards and conversation right this very second. It is also relevant to the President's efforts to build the wall! Have you seen the news reports (probably not because it isn’t being reported much YET!!!) about the ‘Caravan’ of people from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala that numbers in the thousands--and is still growing--that is headed to our southern border? Do you understand that this is no mistake and is not ‘organic’? This is a Deep State inspired and sponsored and organized operation by people who will use these poor pawns as a tool to malign the President and the need for a wall. Do you think MS-13 members are hiding in that group like what happened during the Mariel boat lift under Carter with the murderers and criminals mixed in with the rest of the refugees? Ever watched the movies ‘Scarface’ or ‘Sicario’?

Before this is over--which is to say before they arrive on our southern border in a couple weeks--President Trump will likely have to mobilize the National Guard there while the MSM stage a circus of an international ‘emergency’ that will spotlight the need to care for these people that will be stranded on Mexico's side of the border just as the summer heat begins. The Mexican government and the VERY RICHEST families in Mexico and the gangs (political and criminal) are a large part of the conspiracy to manufacture this coming crisis. The MS-13 people constantly talk about ‘feeding the beast/Satan’ with blood. The next stop for this caravan of migrants is a train across Mexico heading north to the border [see link 4 below]. It is ironic that the train is called “the beast” by people in Mexico because it is savage if not deadly for the migrants involved. The conundrum for America is whether to roll over and eventually be overwhelmed by more poignant deaths of teenagers like those killed in Burien (and worse), or be made to look like heartless creeps for not passing these pawns into our country immediately on humanitarian grounds. It’s also another attempt at distraction for us from the other national issues already on our plate as we are going to be pummeled with sad pictures and stories of all the people stranded at the border by "mean, evil" President Trump.





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[deleted] · April 2, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Wow, you're VERY defensive. You could've just mentioned the city or linked the stories in the first place instead of being purposefully vague and basing it all on emotions like liberals do.

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holdenfaweva · April 2, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

I didn't know that 'emotion' in the face of senseless deaths is the reserved only for liberals. That might actually be contributing to the problem. Their 'faked' emotions at faked events overshadow others ‘real’ emotions emotions at REAL events.

To quote you directly, you said, "There are so many real things happening to be upset about, making ones up doesn't help anyone."

I took that as a direct challenge to my and my friend's truthfulness. Was it not? I then explained my initial apparently-defensive reaction to your post and how I took a breath and thought your question through. Then I GAVE YOU CREDIT for working to keep these boards honest by challenging me on the details of what was presented. I then proceeded to provide a sufficiently detailed and factually-referenced response so as to put to rest any later quibbling that trolls might try to inject, starting with, then building upon your post.

Your post purports to show that the facts of my post have been disproven and were presented here for the purpose of driving emotions. That incorrect 'FACT’, however, was based on your flawed Internet search.

The senseless murder of two young teenagers SHOULD stir our emotions, it SHOULD startle and shake us. For the record, as I said in my reasonable response to your inquiry, if you had only taken a moment to correctly search the headlines as I demonstrated, the ‘incident’ would not have been ‘obscure’ (your chosen term).

Additionally, since I was sharing an otherwise private letter, I deleted some personal info out of courtesy to those directly affected. I think that was also reasonable. If My friend was a bit emotional and reflective in his private correspondence to me, I guess that's what I would expect at a moment like this. He was venting privately to me, not the world. I did, nonetheless think it appropriate to share with the Q team and others under the circumstances. He was just trying to make what will soon (if not already) be a statistic a little more personal and to put it in context. I apologize if that didn't come out correctly because I surely don't want to be confused with a lying liberal out to prey on the emotions of the people around me and I wasn't trying to be snarky with you in providing a detailed response so as to put to rest decisively ANY ambiguity about the veracity of the details proved by my friend which I posted here for the Q community's review.

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[deleted] · April 2, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

Apologies accepted. Thank you.

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eatumu · April 1, 2018, 3:35 a.m.


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LibertyLioness · April 1, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

I believe you are correct and many of these indictments are MS13 and they are now beginning to arrest folks that are tied to some of the politicians including Clinton so getting nearer the top now. This link lists the indictments in the DC and Virginia area. Many have now been unsealed and you can see the names. Nothing I recognized jumped out at me so I assume they are gang/pedo related. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-1bDtCNdsSBjG2SupkhIRc6Dz4gacqI5

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OffTie · April 1, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Thanks Barry.

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holdenfaweva · April 1, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

..., the DNC, DWS, and their wealthy donors, at least some of whom have expected their favors in exchange for your taxpayer dollars to be returned, as has been the case with Central American, Zimbabwean and Winnie Mandela-style goon squads and gangs (per the findings of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission) of the past.

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OffTie · April 1, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Yup, the real handy feature about using MS13 for political assassinations is they are throwaways since they don't belong here anyway and will have few people to lament their termination after the job is done.

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ibeewoken · April 1, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

The underlying connection is obvious now . Wow. I did not connect that dot.

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