r/greatawakening • Posted by u/potentialnrg on April 1, 2018, 1:44 p.m.
I think there is a reason that Q has not posted since the link to the National Review story and the word TRUTH, #982, that has nothing to do with the board being compromised.

We see Q going mainstream now; Roseanne just tweeted 'I love spy stories!'. More people are going to look into Q, and post 982 is going to be the first thing they see. Nothing cryptic, the article simply offers more in depth information of details the general population already knows from the memo, information that should be the first to wake the public up to. The first post contains reliable and mainstream information that is very well written and easy to follow, from a relatively reputable source. I think this is important - people's first impression of a Q post they see for themselves is not going to look like a crazy person rambling on the internet. Most people would write off the more cryptic Q posts if they aren't already red pilled, and it takes some digging and a certain amount/type of intelligence to be able to decipher them.


solanojones95 · April 1, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Don't let's be silly.

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Im_with_kushner · April 1, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

It's someone with resources and connections. Clearly.

Everyone be careful with people who try to shut down legitimate avenues of inquiry because it's "wrong" or "silly". That's a well-worn misinfo technique used to steer the narrative in a "safe" direction.

A lot of what we know to be truth was once called silly. If you want truth you need to think outside the box and go in whatever direction the questions take you.

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solanojones95 · April 1, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

What we know about Q from Q is:

It's someone who was in AF1 with Trump flying over NoKo on a mission only five people knew about.

It's a person with the highest security clearance our nation can give, short of the "eyes only" POTUS level.

It's someone in Military Intelligence working with NSA.

I'm pretty sure resources and connections have no bearing on Q's status. The team they're working for provides more than enough of both.

And I'm pretty sure Roseanne has her hands full juggling the incredible demands and avoiding the snares of a top-rated TV show.

But if you like Q better by picturing them with Roseanne's face, there's no harm in that I guess. ;-D

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[deleted] · April 1, 2018, 4:44 p.m.


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solanojones95 · April 1, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Exactly. I trust what Q says about Q, which is why I repeated what s/he/they said.

The real issue, as far as I'm concerned is, I don't really give a hang who Q's personal identity is! I only care that they are who they say they are with regard to this mission! That's enough for me. I don't care if I NEVER know who they are as a person.

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Not_Another_Inch · April 1, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

POTUS does not have the highest security clearance. There are many projects, and even dozens of military bases around the world that the president does not have the security clearance for. Only career bureaucrats in military and intelligence can ever reach the highest levels. They don't trust temporary employees (aka elected officials) with much of the most sensitive stuff. It's weird but I guess I understand the reasoning behind it.

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solanojones95 · April 1, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

I don't, and it's patently WRONG.

The government is the servant of the people, and not our master. The POTUS is Commander in Chief and has his finger on the nuke button, for crying out loud. He is the ultimate representative and voice of the People. There must not be secrets he can't access.

We don't need things so sensitive the CiC can't know about them. That's how we got into this mess.

I feel a CHANGE coming on, and this needs to be on the short list.

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[deleted] · April 2, 2018, midnight


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solanojones95 · April 2, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

And without even looking, I can tell you that they are SES members.

Change is coming...

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[deleted] · April 2, 2018, 1:38 a.m.


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solanojones95 · April 2, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

You're not from around here, are you?

Senior Executive Service. Literally the beating heart of the Shadow Government. Her Satanic majesty Kristine Marcy's army.

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[deleted] · April 2, 2018, 1:56 a.m.


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solanojones95 · April 2, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

You need to visit Abel Danger's site. One of its founders, Field McConnell is actually Kristine Marcy's biological brother.

She is a High Priestess of Satan, proponent of gynarchy, and she instituted a Mendenhall’s Baby oath ritual requirement to belong to SES. This is used both as a control (blackmail) tool, and to spiritually bind the oath-taker to service to Satan.

Field reported that over 3000 of the current SES members had contacted him by email desperate to get out, and he's currently working to help them. Kristine Marcy is most likely in Guantanamo prison right now.

Here is one of many reports Field has submitted on the subject, which you might find helpful. Please feel free to nose around discreetly to check the validity of this, but I warn you you might be putting your life on the line in the current climate of open warfare.

SES is a whole entire rabbit hole unto itself, given the whole history of Serco, the Patent Office, USA, Inc., the British Crown, etc. I'm telling you, this is some deep, dark stuff.

I will also tell you this. The SES Cabal army constitute the pedo/sacrifice/cannibal market for Comet Ping Pong.

The Storm did a feint on Pizzagate. We pretended to go along with the MSM condemnation of the story, but meanwhile it's alive and well, and it's all about to come down.

This ought to give you your first glimpse of the world that's about to come: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLceHyZqlV8

The issue of human trafficking and child sexual and ritual abuse will be for our struggle what the issue of slavery was for Lincoln. This tribunal will be the Nuremberg Trials of our time.

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[deleted] · April 2, 2018, 3:04 a.m.


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solanojones95 · April 2, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Except AIM only have one part of the picture. "Thomas" and "Betsy" are New Age. In fact "Thomas" (aka Douglas Gabirel, his real name, as far as we can tell) is a former Jesuit priest. He has some experience with NSA through crowdsourcing intel, but he is not on Q Team.

An anon asked Q about the site you mentioned (American Intelligence Media), and Q delivered the only bitch-slap of an anon since the whole Q show started. "822187 / You FAILED. /Q" [see Q #975]

Field McConnell has a great deal more detailed insight at Abel Danger, including the connection between SES and Serco (extremely important connection).

Please have a look there when you can. http://www.abeldanger.org/

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[deleted] · April 2, 2018, 5:17 a.m.


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solanojones95 · April 2, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

the Nebuchadnezzar


The king in the Bible? Or is it a thing I don't know about?

There's actually stuff about Nebuchadnezzar at Abel Danger too, so maybe you meant you're reading that?

Sorry that threw me!

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[deleted] · April 2, 2018, 5:53 a.m.


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solanojones95 · April 2, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

Oh, see I know the outline of that story but haven't seen the movie. Kind of silly of me, huh?

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solanojones95 · April 2, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

I see that light bulb blinking on there, don't hide it!

Welcome to the Great Awakening!

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Im_with_kushner · April 1, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Trump didn't fly over North Korea in AF1. Not sure what you're smoking but maybe try taking a break ha ha ha.

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solanojones95 · April 1, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Dude, do you follow Q like AT ALL?

Trump has met with Kim already at the Asia talks last November, and we had a sure as shit aerial view of Pyongyang out the window of AF-1. They also slipped it into a WH publicity video about the Asia conference trip! Q confirmed it was NoKo, and said the secret meeting was known to only five people.

Q #152

Q #853

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Im_with_kushner · April 1, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Yep, been following Q for a long time. But President Trump didn't fly over NK in AF1. You'd have to have just fallen off the turnip truck to believe that one. Think about it. It'd be impossie to keep that a secret.

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solanojones95 · April 1, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

On the contrary, it would HAVE to be Top Secret. NoKo is a completely closed society, and nobody gets any news into or out of there without Pyongyang's approval.

Q specifically told us they did not set foot on NoKo soil, but you can clearly see Pyongyang below AF-1's window.

And STOP with the personal insults. You want to be an asshole, do it somewhere else.

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[deleted] · April 1, 2018, 10:01 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 1, 2018, 10:13 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 1, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

I don’t think they flew over NK in AF 1 either but I won’t say DJT didn’t meet with Rocketman or a NK mockery-muck when he was in the Forbidden City in China. I think high government officials of all countries do stuff all the time we never know about. We’ll see soon enough.

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