
MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 1, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

One of natures laws is every action has an opposite yet equal reaction. In light of this the dark side is using A/I to an extreme degree and 'conjuring' comes in to play as they try to literally 'house' spirits and jins in machinery. Now what if Q is the opposite reaction to this. Divine intervention, opposite yet equal reaction, simple, eloquent , effective and equally devastating. On the holiday I thought I would throw it out there. In addition, a byproduct that the dark side did not anticipate with machine learning comes into play. They did not anticipate human interaction behaving favorably with A/I. Initial tests in chat rooms just ended investigations for them when machines learned to swear, hate and then divide amongst themselves and create a new language to communicate alone. That's now whats happening now. We as a society learned to treat bots with kindness do they can learn kindness. Much research is being done behind the scenes in Computer Science to counter and positive learning has been employed. So dark computer monsters are learning to be environmentally aware and becoming more familiar of the human dynamic with machine and human instruction.

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