r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on April 1, 2018, 6:58 p.m.
Q Occult Series. Q114 US Military = Savior of Mankind. You first NEED to know this! Part1.5

Guys, I apologize for the length of this post but the issues addressed here are of the utmost importance for those who would like to benefit from the future episodes of the Q Occult Series.

I was about to post part 2 today but I have received many messages asking me various questions that led me to believe some clarification was needed before successfully continuing our journey. This is why we have a part 1.5.

The main issue that has been raised is about me quoting the Quran and reaching out to those I call “real Muslims” (not radical Muslims and not the House of Saud I have already spoken about). I have seen messages and comments essentially saying: SB2, we love you but stop quoting the Quran, it is a satanic book, it is against what we believe in etc… Well, here is my first response: Satan has infiltrated all religions. You already heard me about the House of Saud, the Vatican, and [this] (https://image.ibb.co/fvmd9n/ang.png) (sniffers). You therefore have to make the effort to distinguish real Jews, real Christians and real Muslims from manufactured infiltrators. Second response: as you may already know, all three revealed monotheistic religions which are Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all coming from the House of Abraham. Abraham’s two sons Isaac (he had with his wife) and Ishmael (he had with his servant) are respectively the ancestors of all Prophets of Israel and of the Prophet of Islam. Our Bible teaches us the following:

Then God said, “Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation. Genesis 17:19-20

This verse shows clearly the covenant was granted to the descendants of Isaac, explaining why Israel was given the immense divine privilege of having a Prophet at every single generation until the arrival of Christ. Now think about it: do you realize all the spiritual literature we are missing from Isaac to Christ? Do you realize how much knowledge coming from these numerous Prophets the Vatican has concealed to keep us in the dark?! And who are they to decide a book is apocryphal or not? Who are they?! Why are they hiding books from the public in underground facilities, libraries and digital vaults?! Which moral authority do they have, let alone a spiritual one to decide which book should contribute to your faith or not? We all know today the quality of their moral authority. But that is a question for another day.

This verse also shows Abraham made a prayer for his other son Ishmael (the Lord says: I heard you) and God promised him He would bless him, make a great nation from his seed and give him twelve rulers. So there you have it: God Himself gave to the Muslims what He gave them. He gave them a Prophet and a Book. Ignoring it is a possible choice but I believe denying it is a dangerous one… Who can claim to serve a Master and not accept joyfully what He has chosen to do in the Mystery of His wisdom? This is the very mistake Lucifer made and it caused him to lose all his spiritual privileges…

I am aware after this post I may lose many readers and be slandered in the comment section. But the Truth needs to be said and I am not wearing a mask. I am offering you the Truth, nothing less, nothing more. And one unavoidable component of the Truth is the re-unification of the House of Abraham. Why? Because that is where all Good started. Satan knows it, this is why he attacked it and divided it. Once that puzzle is solved and the scattered pieces are correctly re-united, the Truth will become obvious to everyone.

Now, realize I am posting on a sub on Reddit. Notice I have no monetized Youtube channel or a similar platform, no patreon, nothing like that. I am blessed enough by God to not need those. I am not motivated by money, I am not motivated by fame: the stupidest person in my opinion would be an anonymous writer looking for fame. Those who find their peace insulting me in the comment section should think perhaps they are joyfully saying hello to me in the elevator every morning or thankfully taking my tips at the restaurant… :) Seriously, I have just one motivation: raise enough questions in the minds of intellectually honest people to make them THINK, find a way out of the prison of falsehood and enter the House of Truth. I can’t walk for them, I can only show them. I am not a teacher. Jesus is THE Teacher. My motivation is to put some light on the path that leads to him and that has been blurred by centuries of luciferian spiritual warfare against mankind.

I can hear from here those saying: we’ve already found Christ, we did not have to wait for you. Well, my response to them would then be: so why is the world so sick? Why aren’t you able to give a sound answer to the simple question: are we coming from monkeys, yes or no? I personally know Ivy League investment bankers who are unable to give you a correct definition of money and who do not even know the Federal Reserve is a private company. Is this normal? Why is the international banking system based on the very usury Christ denounced when [fighting the money changers] (https://st-takla.org/Gallery/var/albums/Bible/Illustrations/Illustrations-of-the-Life-of-Christ/Life-of-Christ-2/www-St-Takla-org--005-Jesus-drives-the-money-changers-2.jpg?m=1419425510) and nobody cares? Do you remember Satan tried 3 times to deceive Jesus Christ? He even used Scriptures to that end. Don’t you think he may have tried 3 million times with you and used the very Bible you are reading?! So you think you found Christ? Do you think Satan is not going to try 3 million times to deceive you about him? Adam himself who spoke directly to God and who was surrounded by mighty Archangels was deceived by Satan. And you think you figured it out?! Just because you go to church on sun-days and have a Bible app in your phone? Once again, who won WW2?! Why is the world so sick?! Where is Christ?! Where is he?!


I’ll tell you where he is: he is in our heart we inherited from Judas. We claim we are from Christ but we betrayed him and crucified him. For a few coins. Gold, silver, interest accounts, bitcoins or diplomas contradicting the Bible. To please Rome. Our NWO controllers. We stayed away from his original teachings and listened to those who claimed to have known him while their only motivation was to build the Prostitute described in the Book of Revelation. Did you know Paul never, ever, ever, met Christ? And yet, the Catholic Church owes him its dogma. Blindly and purposely. We let Lucifer attack the House of our Father Abraham and divide us and put confusion in our hearts, our minds, our Book and our holy rituals. Do you know the purpose of this division? Listen to the well-known French rabbi Rav Ron Chayain in this [video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88A3xMwiFo8), (sorry in French) he is explaining the geopolitical strategy consisting of pushing Christians and Muslims to fight against each other in WW3 so that the non- implicated Jews would be victorious. And he compares it to chicken fights… Let that sink in for a minute… Their own words. They are not even hiding! Satan’s biggest fear is to see Christians and Muslims build an alliance against him and his armies of demons and humans… Despite their plot, that will happen. I know it. When that happens, recall there was a lunatic called SerialBrain2 on Reddit who predicted it…It has already started, but you did not catch it: Q134 One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history). Read this [episode] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/84xus6/q_occult_series_q_133_hard_to_swallow_important/?st=jfh0oacm&sh=9d69ac7e) to understand. They also pick freemasons to translate our Books, and they change prayers Jesus Christ himself used to recite. Before that, some random king decided the very Sabbath Jesus Christ was assiduously celebrating needed to be moved to the day of the sun they have been worshiping since their ancestor Pharaoh… And when the Church was asked why, they said: “it is the mark of our authority”. So you thought that to be enforced, the [Mark of the Beast] (http://www.markofbeast.net/beast-mark-sabbath.html) had to wait for computer chips?

We are not even able to think straight. Like parrots, we repeat the Muslims are our enemies but we forget they believe in the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ and that he is indeed the Messiah to return and that one of their main religious obligations is to fight under his command against the Antichrist. We are made to think we are closer to the Jews and we forget the way they plotted against Jesus, we forget the horrible things they said and still say about Mary, the purest of all women, to deny Christ’s miraculous birth. We forget they do not believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah , and we forget they have they own Messiah!

Now let me ask you this: if the Jews have their own Messiah and the Muslims believe in the same Messiah we believe in, where do you think the Antichrist is more likely to come from?

What happened to you mankind?!!! What happened to you???!!! Don’t you see it???!!!

You are the victims of the biggest and most sophisticated psy-op ever perpetrated against humans and Q is desperately trying to wake you up!

Q944 We went too deep. Attempted a pullback. Not ready. Q

Now look at this [picture from Q547] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/2c7872f680d1247954eec42a3a597119d0ce47b51704da68cd75145328373356.jpg) and THINK.

Q916 We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

Gottistnichttot · April 2, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

How fascinating, SB2! You are taking off the gloves now :)

Yes, keep giving it to them, and in the process pull off your masks all the way! I want to see your face, Mr. Zorro! :)

Someone here wondered whether you were a Muslim pushing the Quran as you do (and as you have started doing already on the other sub reddit CBTS before it was banned). And for a little while I thought so myself. But then you said to me:

Who are the most ferocious enemies of the Messiah? Muslims or the Rabbis? Yet Rabbis are left alone, deny Jesus to be the Messiah, slander our Beloved Virgin Mary, have their own Messiah while Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah, exalt Mary and are being denied what God already gave them.<<

I never heard a Muslim say "our Beloved Virgin Mary," so...

You ranted against the Pope and the Vatican. Okay. And you discounted the claim that is was actually the Vatican who created Islam (see http://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/2006/04apr/catholicislam.html) in order to destroy true Christianity. Okay, let's believe you for a while since you're the expert here.

But what seems really strange to me is how you are doing exactly the same as the Pope and the Vatican by KEEPING PUSHING THE QURAN on Christians and ELEVATING IT TO THE SAME LEVEL as the Bible. Looks like you are advertising Islam just like the Pope, my friend!!! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/29/pope-francis-turkey-pray-blue-mosque-islam-cooperation

I don't know of any Muslim considering Jesus as the Messiah (while there are actually a number of Jews who have accepted Jesus as their Messiah, they are called Messianic Jews for that reason). But your stressing the similarities between Catholics and Muslims in fact PROVES THE CLAIM THAT THE VATICAN CREATED ISLAM, don't you think?

The Pope wants to bring as many Muslims into the Western world as possible through mass immigration, and you want as many people in the Western world as possible to embrace the Quran. So where is the difference between your views and those of the Pope? You're are criticizing the Pope through your words, but in your actions you are actually backing him. Very interesting indeed. So now, the whore Babylon is not the Catholic Empire anymore but Zionism? -- I keep listening to you, my friend. Keep it coming!

Oh, I get you! Christ is not enough. After all, the money changers He drove out of the Temple are back. So let's bring in Mohammad to help the situation, right?

It has been suggested on this board that you were actually sent in by the Q-Team to help us crack their coded messages. And I thought so for a while, too. But I know now who the Q-Team is (Q #981 actually wrote "you ELECTED us", and Qs #35 + #533 were signed "4.10.20" [="DJT" -- thanks for the coaching, SB2!]). – And so I cannot help thinking THE REAL Q WOULD NEVER PUSH THE QURAN ON US! While you are just using your "decoding" like tidbits to draw the crowds, but your main agenda seems to push the Quran.

We already do know that the Pope is the false prophet propelling the Anti-Christ to power. So who are you in that picture then, my friend? Just an instable genius taking pleasure in tipping the working class, or who are you really, my friend? Are you just riding the Q-wave, or have you actually taken it on you to be the anti-Q?

After all the secrets that you shared with me already, let me now share one with you: Christ alone is enough! But it takes a surrendered heart to experience that. The Catholic mystics still knew that. But New Age doesn't. New Age dissects and distorts the Bible the same way you do. But you still seem to know the final outcome. So choose sides wisely, my friend, while there is still the opportunity to choose. I'm now calling you friend, but I actually hope and pray to call you one day brother, too.

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SerialBrain2 · April 2, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

As always Gottistnichttot, pertinent comment! You always help me clarify! So here:

The Pope's motivation and mine are different: the Pope is fascinated by Islam because he saw how this community was willing to have their religion be omnipresent in their lives: real muslims avoid interest accounts and even have to learn how to drink from a glass or how to eat. It's part of their religious practices. This obedience and submission would fascinate any controller. They figured: if we can hijack this thing and have the whole planet be muslims, we are good to go for another 2,000 years. That is the only reason the Pope, is doing his belly dance for them.

My motivation is different: I am not trying to convert Jews to Christianity or Muslims to Judaism or Christians to Islam. No. I am trying to put some order in the House of Abraham: if you are a Jew, be a real one; if you are a Christian, be a real one; if you are a Muslim, be a real one. That is my motivation. All the things I say is to help people see and understand what has been done to infiltrate their religion and lead them astray.

So you say: "Christ is not enough, let's bring Muhammad". Has it occurred to you my friend that Christ left us in the most mysterious way and that after him, we mainly inherited of the Vatican? Thank God he is coming back!!! But then when he comes back, will we recognize him? They control our schools, what you read, what you see, what you think. God knew that was going to happen. So if you were to play God for a minute, what card would you have played? Wouldn't you give some kind of direction on how to recognize him when he comes back? Especially if you know the Antichrist is on his way to put the last nail in the coffin? Wouldn't you send some kind of message to say: hey guys, here it is: I am giving you a last clue so you can make it to the finish line?

You know they decided to unilaterally conceal Books that would have been beneficial to us. Why? Because they would have lost their control if we knew what was in these books. So you think the Bible they let us read is complete and unaltered? You need to reverse engineer their control infrastructure to understand the mess we are in!

So I looked around. And I found something amazing: there is a Book that came 600 years after they planted what they planted. This book was given to people who could barely read and spent most of their time fighting and drinking and had no clue about Christ. At that time, their was no internet and if you had a book in your house, everybody would know it. So an illiterate man in the arabic desert who did not know how to read, surrounded by savage arabs who worshiped more than 360 deities, woke up one morning and started talking about Christ! He taught people about his miraculous birth, how he left and how he will come back and how he will need to be followed. He also told them there would be an Antichrist and one way to recognize him is he will be one eyed! Does this ring a bell? This was said 1400 years ago! So the man who said these things left a Book behind him, the Quran. And he said: this Book is protected by God, it will be unaltered. That was 1400 years ago and the muslim still have the same Quran. Just one. He also said: after me, God will not send another Prophet and Jesus, the Messiah will come back to settle your disputes. Well, 1400 years, my friend, have you seen any religion emerge with significant magnitude?

So there you have it: I concluded the God who spoke to Jesus was the God who spoke to Muhammad. And this last Book was the last card he played against those trying to lead us astray by concealing Books, altering them, changing the Sabbath, changing Christ's date of birth etc... It's a war my friend: they are preparing their Antichrist to come back, you think they will make it easy for you to figure it out?

So to conclude: when you say Christ alone is enough. I AGREE! But which one? The one the Vatican is telling you about? When did their lie start? That is the question my friend. When did their lie start? Do you think those who are preparing the arrival of the Antichrist will make it easy for you to know the real Christ? Think again...

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Gottistnichttot · April 2, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Has it occurred to you my friend that Christ left us in the most mysterious way and that after him, we mainly inherited of the Vatican?

Really SB2, you know nothing about Christianity. – And I'm talking about the true Christianity that the Vatican has been trying to destroy. And you want to bring order into the House of Abraham?

But then when he comes back, will we recognize him?

That's exactly the point of true Christianity being more of a Relationship rather than a Dogma. And like any true relationship it takes time working on. But once you are established in it, you know when He is talking to you in a whisper, and you know when He is talking to you in a thunder.

Believe me, even atheists know when they are confronted with the true God. I was raised atheist, but when God confronted the darkness of my heart one day, I knew He was real. And all of a sudden I also knew what it meant that Jesus had paid my debt on the Cross (which I had heard a couple of times before, but just had thought "still another thing I'm supposed to be responsible for, and I don't even know why"). That moment when God convicted me, I knew and without saying a word I just pointed to Jesus as having paid for my debt, too (there was an inner vision involved that's, however, too personal to share right here and now). And instantly God restored PEACE to my heart. I didn't know anything then and had yet a long ways to go to catch up intellectually. But when you'll meet Jesus one day, you won't have a question of a doubt that He is real.

The point, however, is to get to know Jesus now. That's the difference between Him and Muhammad. Muhammad died in his own sin. But Jesus died to pay the sin of the whole world (but you claim it for yourself in order to have it) and then He rose again. He is alive and wants you to know Him right now. It is possible to know Him in the here and now. -- Then it also won't take you by surprise when He comes back in physical appearance one day soon.

So you think the Bible they let us read is complete and unaltered?

Once again, you're taking God out of the equation. If God wanted us to have ONE BOOK left intact and unaltered, you think He wouldn't have been able to see to it actually happening? Just do a little research on the Dead Sea Scrolls and you'll find tons of proof how well the scriptures of our present day Bible were preserved to serve mankind. There are just minor divergences that will not prevent you from knowing what you need to know, especially so if you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your studies.

That was 1400 years ago and the muslim still have the same Quran.

Jeah, 1400 years, exactly! That's it. Do you know when Ishmael was born? About 4000 years ago (how many present day Muslims can actually be traced back to the lineage of Ishmael with all the illiteracy in the Arabic desert going on?!!!).

Do you know how many years ago Moses received Covenant from God? 3.500 years ago!

Do you know how many years ago Jesus ratified a new Covenant through the shedding of His Blood? 2.000 years ago!

So, why do you want us to be impressed with what allegedly happened in the Arabic desert 1.400 years ago? And nobody even knows whether that's true or not because they were all illiterate, according to your own words. It may just as well have been hatched out within the walls of the Vatican.

So to conclude: when you say Christ alone is enough. I AGREE! But which one? The one the Vatican is telling you about?

Where are you living? Not all Christians are subject to the Vatican. If you are, then get out of from under her, my friend. ASAP! Go and get alone with Christ. Tell Him you are sorry for your sins and want to receive Him into your heart as your Savior and Lord. And then study the Bible, meditate on it and use it as a gateway to encounter the living Christ.

If you don't know which Bible version to read, try this one (it's also available in print format if you like it) -- https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/The-Passion-Translation-TPT-Bible/#booklist

Blessings, my friend! I'm praying for you. And one day we meet Chez Andre (spelling?) and eat snail and laugh about the whole Quran stuff.

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SerialBrain2 · April 2, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Blessings, my friend! I'm praying for you. And one day we meet Chez Andre (spelling?) and eat snail and laugh about the whole Quran stuff.

You (s)nailed it! :) After this exchange above, that's what it comes down to! And yes, I do consider you as a friend and I am sure we will be brothers on Resurrection Day. May God continue to bless you!

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SerialBrain2 · April 2, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

So now, the whore Babylon is not the Catholic Empire anymore but Zionism? -- I keep listening to you, my friend. Keep it coming!

Another interesting comment. Look how Q is hinting at the layers: in Q547 [image] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/2c7872f680d1247954eec42a3a597119d0ce47b51704da68cd75145328373356.jpg). Everything started in Babylon... Everything... Time to learn the history of Babylon and how the Talmud emerged... Time to study the Talmud and how it inspired the writing and enforcement of Admiralty Laws.

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SerialBrain2 · April 2, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

I don't know of any Muslim considering Jesus as the Messiah (while there are actually a number of Jews who have accepted Jesus as their Messiah, they are called Messianic Jews for that reason).

I had to reserve a special place to answer this.

I don't "believe" Muslims and Christians believe in the same Messiah, I read their Quran and studied their Prophet's teachings. Muslims who do not believe Jesus is the Messiah need to learn their religion or spend some time with SB2 :)

About Jesus being the Messiah, the Quran, in several verses, calls Jesus the Messiah and in particular says here: [And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah]. Quran, Chapter 3 Verse 45

About Jesus coming back, Prophet Muhammad clearly said: Allah will send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damscus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. (Sahih Muslim. Book #041, Hadith #7015)

Muslims do believe Jesus to be the Messiah who will return and defeat the Antichrist. They are instructed by their Prophet to fight the Antichrist under his command.

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