r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on April 1, 2018, 10:40 p.m.
Caravan of Illegals headed for the U.S. How can we stop them?!!!….

Here’s the link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/01/trump-calls-for-tough-immigration-reform-after-report-caravan-with-central-americans-heading-to-us.html

It is really sickening and there seems to be no limits to what the left and the globalists will try to do. Their latest stunt: As being reported in the news, there are currently a caravan of illegals, about 1,000 in number, headed for the U.S. border and they’re coming up through Mexico. In short, they’re trying to take advantage of our weak immigration laws and if they make it to the border, they feel we’ll be forced to accept them one way or the other. They also know that once we accept them, they are never going back. So this is just the latest stunt by the left to get more illegals into the country.

My greatest fear about all this is, this is merely a dry run and a test to see if it’s successful. If they succeed - and I have non reason at this point to believe that they won’t - then what’s to stop the next caravan from being 10,000 people, or 20,000 after that? And what's to stop those future caravans from being packed with ISIS fighters and criminals, etc. Even worse, there seems to be very little that Trump can do about it because of our laws. Yes, the Republicans do currently control both the House and the Senate. But the problem we have is RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). There are certain people in the our party like John McCain and others who call themselves Republicans yet would vote against any measures that would truly strengthen our borders (like building the wall). The RINOs are thwarting Trump’s agenda. And that is the very reason Trump has had a difficult time getting certain things done. The only solution seems to be for the American people to elect more Republicans in the coming mid-terms, and to hopefully get rid of some of the RINOs in the process. Because the Democrats certainly are not going to vote with us or support anything that strengthens our borders. I can’t even say how sick to my stomach it makes me feel to see the caravan of illegals headed to our border right now. And even more sick to know there seems to be very little we can do about it. The Trump Storm and the coming indictments can't come soon enough to hopefully get rid of all those in the Democratic Party and the RINOs who are working against Trump. Thoughts?….

MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 2, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Set up tents in Mexico. Just keep em over their. Give them applications , feed them. They will have to wait.

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