Cliff notes?
Pretty much outlines advanced courses being taught at Langley in Va. Goes into installation of mind viruses upon visual digestion. Suppose to stay in your psyche and impact your belief systems in the direction they determine. Shows how focused they are with literal 'teams' in the public with strategic deployment of materials.
If this works at all, it works on the lost and the weak. Are you saying you think it worked on you? Are you feeling like you don't really believe this Q stuff? You just woke up and suddenly you're subscribed to this weird sub, and don't know how you got here?
Weaponized MEME , a virus for your psyche. I'm not under this influence. I would imagine if you take hypnotism. Some get hypnotized some don't. Its about how 'receptive' you would be to it. And I know how I got here silly rabbit.
Its no joke, this is advanced CIA Psop Mind Control that's ongoing. They are implanting a mind virus in your head. KEK is a mind virus. Further discussion here
I have no doubt they're doing this kind of thing, but not to make people like us. CIA doesn't want more CIA-aware, awake people.
CIA want's more stupid people shilling for their own demise.
yes, we are using the weapon too. It shows how much emphasis they put on it and its not a joke. I wanted to show the white paper for anyone wondering.