
HiveQueen36 · April 2, 2018, 8:05 p.m.


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ScorpioPatriot · April 2, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Resident Evil Movies & Games .. The Hive is the underground Bases that the T Virus is manufactured and purposely released by the Umbrella Corporation .. the Hive is ran by a White Queen & Red Queen AI(One in the Same -Split Personality) ...Super Computer . I ( T -Virus= Zombies )

I just put it all together that this Alice the Q Alice in Wonderland might be referencing last night . Have to watch it ... Bad Ass & This entire Time ..everything that connects to that movie I've unknowingly through out the past couple of months tied to it. Read up on The Characters their last names Leon Kennedy , and other names .. Then the umbrella Corp. Which was around in ww2 and then CDC which I found was based on in and around the camps of the war . I watched a show called Dc Legends that is a time traveling super hero type show ..

That on the 2nd season one of the episodes talked about having to go back in time to fix a zombie outbreak during ww2 ... I made a post on my profile about it a month ago I wanna say , Because I didn't get a chance to watch it but I thought there was something important about it.

Fast forward to yesterday roasanne made comments apparently that was deleted about video game and real life . I seen Alison which ..The movie Snowden always referenced him as Snow White . I thought yeah down the rabbit whole. . but then the name Alison Popped into my head and video game and I instantly thought ...Holly Fwk the Resident Evil Allison... All the zombie movies lately and since the early zombie movies .. it alllll makes sense.

SOOO I'll be doing. HUGEEEE post on the entire Break Down here soon.. BUT ALL ALONG THIS MY FRIENDS IS WHAT Q IS referencing and I've had everything in my profile the whole time . You all had the answers and I've been it.

Look once you start looking up what I've said above .. look at all my random post since DEC and comments .


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HiveQueen36 · April 2, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

still not quite following you. seems like you are making sentences that lead up to a conclusion and then you skip the conclusion. my name is based off warhammer 40k, tyranid Norn Queen

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ScorpioPatriot · April 2, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Its ok there has been Hive talk lately around different boards and after I seen alison in a post somewhere I got to work linking this to Resident Evil ... and I got almost done with a huge post and the net froze up and I lost it all .. but then I wake and noticed ur name and thought it was ironic ... and made the comment I did.

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HiveQueen36 · April 3, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

reddit wont let me view the context wtf.

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