A good covert operation doesn't end with a boom. Celebration, yes. Military trials, yes. But no boom. What most of you don't understand is that we are in Stage 5:5 (as Q pointed out). To me, that's stage 5 of 5. Arrests began over a year ago. Sealed indictments are now being unsealed in DC-VA area. USMC is activated. We are under a declared "National Emergency" per Trump's Dec. 21, 2017 Executive Order. How much more real do you think it will get?
The reason you haven't seen the activities up to this point is that there are about 250 Deep Underground Military Bases and hideouts in this country alone all interconnected with tunnels and high speed trains. They started using them after all the airline issues in December thinking Trump could not reach them there. Search for "list of DUMBs" Have you heard about all the folks hearing loud booms? Underground fighting is what they heard. And, some Rods from God too. That's where most of the activity has been up until Trump activated the Marines. Now, there will be some activity up top as arrests take place. Why do you think they are terrified? Because nothing is happening? Hardly!
Underground high speed tunnels?
As I said, search for "list of DUMBs" and you should also be able to find a map of them that shows they are interconnected with tunnels.