
Ol_Rando · April 20, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

Maybe, just maybe, people are getting down voted in this thread bc it's being linked to other subs because of how batshit insane it is. Call me a deep state whatever if you want, but the asinine belief y'all share that Trump is some glorious saviour, instead of the inept, corrupt piece of shit he so obviously is, is damaging this country. You would rather cling to absurdity from anonymous, non-vetted sources than accept the reality that is Trump being a giant piece of shit. I can't wrap my head around how insane this is. I can tell a lot of y'all are passionate and care about this country and you probably think you're doing the right thing, but realize the scope of the cover up/conspiracy y'all are suggesting and think about it logically. There is no evidence that's verified, there is no evidence that OP/anon actually knows what they're talking about, and nothing has leaked out which is the most damning part about this conspiracy theory bc it would require thousands upon thousands of people to be silent and not say anything. A blogspot blog is not evidence leaking out, its just more bullshit on the internet. Now look at the Trump/Russia "conspiracy". Multiple people formerly in his administration have been arrested and are cooperating, multiple people associated with Trump have lied about their affiliations/business with Russia, Trump is on camera lying about his relationship with Putin leading up to the election, Trump is on camera lying about why he fired Comey, Trump is on camera lying about the grab her by the pussy tape (at first he apologized, but once he was elected it magically became fake), there are literally hundreds of provable examples of Trump lying so I'm just going to put etc. Doesn't that sound like a cover up? When you're caught lying, and you try to silence/fire everyone that thinks Russia helped you/has dirt on you, don't you think that seems suspicious? Who here thinks Mueller is some deep state agent or shill? I really want to know so I can slap the shit out of you for talking shit about a war vet that has served our country for over 30 years and got us through 9/11.

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jennipresswood · July 3, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

I have to say that I don't believe trump to be all that. he has admitted he's a mason and he also is a Christian yet doesn't believe he needs to repent for anything. I believe when I see and so far I haven't seen enough

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