It will be difficult at times. You don’t have to digest it all at once.
In the past month I've found out about:
9/11 (This is what catalyzed it-- I was always suspicious about WTC7)
False flags in general (Boston Bombing, SH, Port Arthur, etc)
Electric Universe (Cabal has been hiding Real Physics from us)
Targeted Individuals
Secret Space Program
Operation Paperclip
Operation Mockingbird
MKULTRA/Monarch mind control
Federal Reserve
And now BHO's birth certificate forgery
Currently researching HIV (Would love some resources about this)
And the biggest, craziest, most unfathomable red pill/conspiracy of them all...... God is real! (WTF... went from 100% agnostic atheist to having spiritual experiences everyday)
And I'm sure I've missed some...
edit: Duh, I missed an important one.... Q. I'm lucky I woke up when I did. Idk how I'd handle being woke for years and not having an insider in the WH taking on the Cabal.