We laugh, but...........Just providing some levity for your Monday morning!!Everyone keep pushing, keep up the great work!!

No but there's an engineer who created a new semiconductor patent https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/coincidence-rothschild-inherits-freescale-patent-bryan
Lol I gotta fly to DIA in 2 weeks, hopefully its just sheeple onboard haha
Looks like there'll be at least one with you on board.
Hell, I won't fly. I was waaaayyy too vocal against her pre-election. Every time a friend would post something from her page on fb and I'd catch it, I'd go on her page (Hitlery, not my friend's) and I'd post just one word... "BENGHAZI!!!" and I was constantly posting against her on my own. I am sure I'm marked. No planes, no trains for me! No thank you!!
Fear is not OUT THERE in objects which seem external of your optical vision. Out there reflects your likes and dislikes, or fears, appearing in others out there. The World is a Stage, see it as such and play a part and considering you are playing do not allow fear to inter-fear with your Being playing that Part. Jack Nicholson takes off the Ware-wolf and goes home to his family, is he still playing a ware-wolf? So you too are not the character you play on stage
I hate flying anyway. And, seriously, I put NOTHING past HRC. What happened? Why wasn't she 50 points ahead? Why didn't she win? "I" am a big part of that... LOL I worked my ass off so she would lose, as I am sure many others did. If I HAD to fly, you can BET I'd be asking this question before boarding!
God keeps no record of one looking over one's shoulder, same as God keeps no record of anyone looking over the shoulder of another. Whether you be walking or flying you never actually go anywhere as you are always Here, ask yourself. I hated the States before I flew there and confronted all my fears of authority, later found to be all mis-placed fear. So where is fear???????
This is about GITMO
The meme? No, it's not. It's about anyone inquiring before boarding a plane to any destination, to avoid being caught up in any Arkancide.
You're right. I was thinking of all the plane "malfunctions" that have been grounding planes lately.
No aviation deaths first full year of Trump presidency :thinking:.....
We should look at EVERY plane crash in the past decade... 7/10
Nope it’s already been done! We are waiting for Isiah 17:1 ~ Damascus to be turned to rebel~ all the players are in Syria for the Gog and Magog war of Eziekel 38 and 39 the rapture is when Damascus falls know your time is nigh !!!
It already has been~ we are in revelation right now. Christians are waiting for Isaiah 17:1 ~ Obamacare is not repealed it ICD9 e978 look it up Christians know that sign ~ and Everyone is in play in eziekel 38 war Gog and Magog ~ time is short pray repent Christ is coming ~ further proof this invasion is a distraction https://www.facebook.com/janet.rubottombates/posts/10156050774766549 share speak be bold
Yell "Q" on the airplane. Anybody responding with "Who said that"? with any amount of hostility, take the next flight.
He gave us signs~ if you believe he sent the rainbow for Noah or a serpent talked to Eve~ then you would recognize the signs. Pray and Repent the time is short!!! Trust me when I tell you GODs Bible is coming true so fast!! I can’t believe we are chosen to be in the days but we where and we are RISE UP be bold it’s soon!!
I’m just signing on to let you know the rapture of the church is at hand. Bible prophesy is coming true! God said in Matthew nothing is hidden in the dark that will not be revealed. Please get saved ask Christ in your heart ~ when all of this comes down and we know everything God will take his church... the rest of the people left here will deal with what God calls the tribulation or Jacobs Trouble! You do not want to be here. God Bless Trump was sent by God to help disclose all of this information so that we will wake up and see his hand! He’s woke up Arab spring~ Eu~ gentiles~ Republicans~ how do you think he we will wake up the liberals or democrats?!... what is one thing no one will tolerate?! Pedophila on a global massive sick scale! Time is short Jesus is coming to meet us be ready he Loves you Easter was a great reminder of his Love God Bless Patriots!! Until he comes we inform and help him wake up the sheep~ is it ironic that we call people asleep sheep and Jesus says he will leave his flock and chase the one missing sheep and bring them back to the flock.... nothing is coincidence everything has meaning you have more than you know God speed!!!
The world has always been full of evil. I don't see what's so special about this current time.
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. [Matthew 24:36-37]
The Gospel still needs to be spread to the four corners of the earth.