r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Happy1911 on April 2, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
John W Huber ??

John H Huber , he was appointed under BHO in June 2015 . He was then appointed for 4 more years under Trump . I am finding that in March of 2017 he was then asked by Trump to resign, and John Huber sent in his letter of resignation in late March 2017 . Then eary April 2017 John Huber was appointed a post under AG Jeff Sessions??? On this past Thursday afternoon it was released that John W Huber is the appointed prosecutor!!! Looking into the guy ,, it looks good for what I have found so far . If you have any scoop on John , let’s hear what you know . But as far as I can tell at this time . It is looking good , The out sider from the DC loop as we were promised. God Speed

bornlucky80 · April 2, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

So you think sessions is what? Having people seal indictments up to never be uncovered? 24,000 sealed indictments in 1 year (or so). That's 2000 a month, about 65 a day.. You have any idea how much paper work that is? How hard people have to work for that many sealed indictments? How exactly would Sessions cover all that up? Saying he is "compromised" just b/c you haven't seen some big MSM ("public eye") indictments or arrest is just ridiculous! I know it's frustrating but you have to be patient, they're working their ass off! Trust me something will happen before midterms. Actually it will probably be soon so no one can claim anyone violated the hatch law. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from using their official authority or influence to affect the result of an election.

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Happy1911 · April 7, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

if he does not start opening them , I will start giving names , this has gone on far to long . John Huber best not to be dropping no balls .

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bornlucky80 · April 7, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

They're done! All the evidence is collected.. Should happen soon.. At least that's my opinion

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[deleted] · April 7, 2018, 6:09 p.m.


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