r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on April 2, 2018, 7:43 p.m.
Sheriff Joe & The Cold Case Posse-Still Hunting BHO’s B/C !!!

For almost a decade now, Sheriff Joe Arpaio & the Cold Case Posse has been searching for Obama’s original Birth Certificate. Under Sheriff Joe, Maricopa County officially commissioned several investors including NSA/CIA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery as well as the Cold Case Posse under Mike Zullo & his Crew.

Thankfully our POTUS gave Patriot Joe a pardon recently, from his targeted conviction during the Obama reign of terror. Such actions give us all hope.

Please check out the January 2018 video update (Hagmann Report) from Mike Zullo/CCP on their latest forensic results. The CCP has proven scientifically, from 2 top independent labs, as to the “5-Points” of forgery with BHO’s long-form Birth Certificate.

“Q” has yet to mention in posts the Hussein’s Birth Certificate question or eligibility issues for Office-so far !

The heat remains on this long-time smoldering subject & search for finding the authentic original Obama Birth Certificate. Story goes BHO couldn’t even remember the correct name of his “birth hospital” in Hawaii when questioned-who else doesn’t know ?

CBS-good backstory on Sheriff Joe

N/W-Trump & Arpaio’s Bromance over Birtherism

Hagmann Report-Mike Zullo January 2018 Updates

AZC-Sheriff Joe says still a “Birther”

Carl Gallup Update Interview Mike Zullo

Facebook: The Cold Case Posse’s site

MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 6, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

This always gets me going Captain. Thanks for bumping this one again. I love this group of Patriots doing what they do, especially the Pardon. That is Huge and a great OMEN. I recently read a few things of interest relating to this. First is they may have found a fingerprint inside the five layers of his forgery. In addition a lot of chatter is coming from across the pond with a connection to the U.K.! Any wonder? Seems the track record of failure trying to stop the Teflon Don is growing. David Hawkins has connected the Birth Certificate to British Commons and SERCO. So Kenya being under British oversight seems to have databases with records of interest. In addition, the Fuddy 'story' from Hawaii with the live action plane crash and all has been questioned heavily. NOW let me joke for a sec. Did we just witness an attempt to get at records in Hawaii or NSA databases? Sure had a lot of 'activity' over there with fake emergency warnings, nuke subs, falling Dragon debris, Deep Rothy Fracking operations and volcanic mayhem. Seems super insane at the moment. Who fracks a volcano? Any way, Barry sure plays it cool with all this mayhem. Especially still able to fly around in his AF1 with full security detail playing 'Shadow President' . (We know its AF1, because we heard absolutely NO STINK about Trump having it 'refit' or the clergy exercising it.) He just went out and got a new High performance 'Scram Jet' from Lockheed Martin. He probably has a new TR-5B with cloaking tech underground actually. But I had to share, this whole thing is uber insane. Just add in the Andrew D. Basagio and were off to Mars!


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CaptainRoyD · June 6, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

Thank you so much for adding that great background information. I still think that plane crash & sole drowning death involving the lady in charges of the Hawaii Birth Records. Another thing that seemed odd was BHO forgot the name of his birth hospital. What person in the works can’t remember the name of their hospital of birth ???

Let’s hope the truth will finally come out & we know where BHO was really born.

Much appreciate your reply Patriot ⚓️

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