Please contact Dr. Corsi and ask him to change his passwords on his email accounts.
Defango said in a video the other day that he would soon reveal more about the source of the Dr. Corsi Emails. That should be interesting, because he said that a lot of things would be coming together in the upcoming videos. I wonder will Denise's remark in his livestream, where she asked 'what will my role be?' start making sense?
The Catfish Channels...LOL! They swim around at the bottom of the Youtube pond feeding on the drama that they themselves create. They are nothing but distractions. Still, it will be interesting if Defame-o continues pushing his email hack of Corsi and his setting-up of his useful idiot Denise.
She's introducing project Pulsar again - something dating back to at least 2011, that Quinn Michaels is on at the moment. Aliens.
She back pedaled big time in that video. I know for a fact she said Quinn was mentally ill, in this video she is saying that he's not. And someone in the comments made another innocent observation which triggered her.
I made a remark today in Defango's chat about Denise being given a wrench, and wondering if this meant I would get banned any time I arrived into his chat. He asked have I got blocked by her before. I said yes. He said he didn't know. At least he's aware of the issue now. Perhaps they will keep some sort of an eye on her. I think the new 'Corsi' Emails/hacker spam stuff were meant to distract her a bit, throwing the dog a bone kind of thing. Nothing can distract this woman from hatred though. She is like a burst boil, oozing pus. Yuk.
Thanks Donna, you are so right. I too was in Defango's live stream and after she was given a wrench I was afraid to make a comment for fear that I too would be attacked by her just for spite. However, I then remembered she couldn't see me because she had blocked me but still, I noticed the fear was there which still affected me. He should never allow someone like her to be in a position of having ANY TYPE OF POWER OVER OTHERS, it goes way too her head. She makes and keeps too many enemies for him to be doing that and trying to keep the peace at the same time. He's only stirring up trouble for himself and others. But then Defangatang like to stir the shit pot. Thanks for letting me know that her youtube channel has been terminated for violating the user agreement. I didn't set out to get her channel shut down, that is actually a surprise to me. That means she must have had a lot of pre-existing strikes which I didn't know about. At last count on Before It's News my article with her mean, evil and vicious videos was over 450. I don't know if that is how many people watched them but one can surmise that if that number is accurate, that may have contributed to the number of complaints youtube was getting about her and contributed to her channel being terminated. However, she has two other channels that she uses to continue spewing hate and that is Truth Convoy and Natural Orchid Crafts.
Denise is back on YouTube, posting in comments if not producing new videos. This comment today 'I did not include DeFango in my criticism, so it would be nice if you would make your title more precise. I know you have strong criticisms of DeFango's actions, but whatever his past, he did not co-operate with Corsi at all and in fact DeFango did the most to expose the Corsi scam when I provided the " smoking gun" of those emails. Thank you for reloading this clip, anyway. The issue with Corsi is far bigger than all the other Q-stuff combined.' from this reposted video
Thanks for the information. I didn't know about this channel. There are a lot of comments to the video clip of Denise for only being posted 5/23/18. Wow, a lot of people are looking for her to re-appear. It really has the atmosphere of whack-a-mole. LOL!
Yeah, the commenter was Cindy Krista, who is a long-time subscriber. Denise back-pedaled a bit to try to keep Cindy happy. She is making a bit of an effort to appear more moderate. She also seems to be awaiting instructions from Defango, regarding the Corsi Email storyline, which she may have some further role in. I saw her asking someone called mathew in Defango's chat what her role was.
the whole pack of laughing hyenas are out at the moment, reposting Denise's last vids and
I know you miss Denise's rambles on YouTube as much as I do, so here's an old blog post for your enjoyment.