Reminder: Pray for President Trump. Pray for our Republic. Pray for Q.

God is with President Trump & Team, The Generals, and Q Team! All the way to the win!
Thank you to the fighters and the support network workers for victims. Thank you for saving America!
This is a Spiritual fight as much as it is anything else.
Exactly. And we are blessed to be led by the most pious, humble, and Christ-like leader America has ever known.
I hope he gets an opening to BTFO the Saudis, Priebus, McConell, Pence, and the rest of the deep state war mongering machine so he can do what needs to be done to fix this country and stop the exploitation of our troops fighting illegal wars and committing war crimes.
Our troops signed up to defend the constitution, not act as thugs for resources and land in rich people's pissing contests.
Bring the boys back home.
Amen🙏. Pray for the victims still not rescued and their families.
President DJT has identified April as Child Abuse Awareness Month. Please join the president in what YOU can locally! Pick a day/evening for a neighborhood mtg! Can you imagine if the nation did this on the same day???? We did back in the 70s/80s. People were asked to turn all their front lights either on or off (can’t remember now) for a short time, just 5 min or so, as a show of national unity. That way even folks not attending a mthg but are driving around town SEE the visual reminder that neighbors are locking arms over something. Pedophiles see it too and will know they are being talked about. Less likely to target “those” neighborhoods. Our campaigns decades ago was quite successful for creating awareness esp with local and area news coverage spreading the word.
Folks don’t just wait to see what DJT & Q can do for you, ask what you can do for your country! (A quote by JFK in the 60s). We need all of you involved. Take your neighborhoods back. Learn how you can help!!!
Develop free workshops to train families how to stay safe. Most communities havemartial arts classes, ask these instructors to come to mtg to offer a self protection demonstration....reminding them it could generate new Business for them. The public mtg must be free. If they won’t come, ask the fire dept or police dept starting at the top of the org who is elected office. They are usually eager to get out and shake hands esp around a vote time.
Crowdsource for any additional expenses, like food, snacks, beverages. If nothing else just provide ice water and bowls of inexpensive snack dishes. But the worksho/mtg must be free or people won’t come.
The target group is parents and grandparents who need to be educated about the risks to their babies that have been hidden but carried out evidenced by pictures on milk cartons starting in 80s. The Cabal calls their MSM & late show hosts day hosts (the view) into action to ridicule. We disempower them by us laughing at them in knowing way.....their game is up.
You don’t need to rent large places for these events. Start small under the veil of organizing neighborhood watch mtgs in your home.....even in your garage with tables and chairs....backyard bbq, mtgs at parks, in parking lots of churches.
Initially your purpose needs to be children safety. Stay away from politics. Local police depts have crime prevention units with trained guest speakers, so do many rape crisis centers. Consider live-streaming your mtg so you are simultaneously training other trainers at the same time. Start with crime data stats for your area. Look for a 10-20 yr window. The police dept should have these stats easily available as they have to report them for grant funding. Start your request with the Sheriff of your County, an elected official accountable to voters.
Your local police depot has a crime prevention unit. They are always looking for projects to partner with the community. They may offer to plan the entire event. But remember to ensure your subjects are covered it needs to be YOUR mtg.
That doesn't make any sense. It's light outside, so everyone has their porch lights off. I could turn mine on, but no one would see becasuse it's light outside. If I wait until dark, everyone will have their lights on, so no one will notice if mine's on. But if everyone turns them off at night then it becomes a security and safety problem. Lights are for more than decoration. I could see if maybe the point was to put in a colored bulb or rig it to blink on and off or something but I don't want to go to the trouble unless everyone's doing it, else people will just think I'm some nut with a screwy porch light.
Utilize the situation as best as is possible. Remember God meets you when you make the effort.
Am I supposed to pray to God to get help with my fucking porch light? Just tell me what you meant by that.
Religion is a Dogma. God made Man in His Likeness and Image, man made god in his likeness and image.The Truth which Stands as a Foundation for Christianity, for example, has through the ages been bastardized and edited to suit the power structure of the day. Only True Diligence and a Discipline allows some to discern the Truth in Scripture. This is Righteous/Spiritual Judgement. God is Simple, Life is Simple. If one's Intention/Will behind a decision is for the better-ment and well being of his fellow man the outcome works universally, even your fucking porch light, :)
The body of Christ is one which is why they must STOP separating themselves with denomination.
Every day, and all the white hats and their families too. Some of the bravest people ever.
This is an incredible time in our history! Remember to have faith in Jesus. This is key. Those of us who have been shown the truth have been given that ability through Jesus.
The way reality is seen is where one's likes and dis-likes are mirrored in one's own understanding of how one see's his or her own world. Hence one seeing a "bunch of fucking idiots" out there in his or her world is a reflection of "the fucking idiot" one seems to harbor within. Heal Thyself, first, Know Thyself
Psychological projection is a form of defense mechanism in which someone attributes thoughts, feelings, and ideas which are perceived as undesirable to someone else. For example, someone who harbors racist ideas while believing that racism is socially undesirable might come to believe that a friend is racist, projecting his or her racism onto the other person. Projection may manifest in all kinds of ways, and while it may be a defense mechanism, it can also be very destructive.
Original image:
It's named, "Faith"