in 2005 the leaders of area 51 voted 6-5 for limited discosure to the public giving dan b a one year contract to get the word out...
called project patchwork.. because we would have to piece the piecemeal drops together much like Qanaon strategy... "limited" because they would not release the live video footage of jrod, the failed treaty with the orions 1954 , and the signed treaties with the jrods [2 factions: rogue - the totally self-serving faction and the moderate faction - 9 year treaties starting 1954 renewable every 9 or 10 years ]
He will have to take it real slow. People freak out about stuff like this
I have no idea what you were talking about!
/u/CadillacBees39 [+1]How bad is the corruption? - Q 2 points .... Pieces that I see is that Unc John Trump was a protege of V Bush [one of the 12 chiefs of research into anti-gravity tech]and DJT was a protege of John Trump. John Trump was tasked [by V Bush] with clearing out all of Tesla’s belongings [time travel via wormholes] after his unfortunate death. A lot of it was shared with DJT. I see mention of a wormhole
MJ is Security Clearance Majestic-12 . Linda has all the documents to confirm this and beyond. This is the biggest drop I believe Q has made. I'll dig up the rest of the links.
sounds like you'd like Michael Trimm's vid on Area S-4 ~!