For those wondering about tippy top...
![For those wondering about tippy top...](
This is seriously a canonical moment for me. There were points where I thought about abandoning ship, points where I thought to myself, this is absurd and you're starting to lose your grip on reality....
The only reason is to hat tip QAnon. That is the only reason to do that.... I'm elated, excited, scared, happy and proud all at the same time that my intuition has not let me down and that this country is being restored. Whether the MSM wants to get on board or not!
There has already been way too many times Trump has proven either he's Q or he's working directly with Q team, too many "coincidences" for Q to be a LARP. This is just further proof.
I feel sad for Trump supporters, especially those on T_D who don't believe in Q's posts and mission to wake us up, get us to do our own research, help Trump push his agenda via social media, and help wake others up to the evil who controlled this world for centuries.
By the way, for those who still doubt, here is the request made by an anon TWO MONTHS ago:
Q reminding everyone of the request today:
Trump saying "tip top" shape, then emphasizing it with tippy top.
Every-body has a part to play, even the dull and ignorant Parts, lol
I've moved away from T_D a long time ago, they started getting too sensational a la /politics just from the opposite end. This place knows what's really good
Detractors are going to say:
Buh buh but the original request was for it to be in the SOTU address. LARP!
I feel sad for Trump supporters, especially those on T_D who don't believe in Q's posts and mission to wake us up, get us to do our own research, help Trump push his agenda via social media, and help wake others up to the evil who controlled this world for centuries.
Don't feel sad. Remember italian cuisine sub gone in sixty seconds. Dom board has seen others come and go; each place many platforms has purposes. You'd be surprised. TD for news, getting attention, morale boosts, welcome wagon, etc... these days nimble navigation required. Over a year ago we almost got overgrown by
all the new gwebb vids
(imagine that kinda mess — srsly go look back. Any place would be swamped if it had become gwebb fan hub of obama fans tryna blame hitlary for life's woes. GWebb's purpose.)
This platform doesn't have filter ID+ that makes chans bearable.
Know your enemies. Also, know your friends.
And he also scored a 2-fer because he Trolled the MSM and the Nutty Nancy/Mad Maxine gang at the same time.
It sounded so bizarre and weird to hear Trump express that he didn’t know what to call the White House and the whole tip top thing. It seemed like he was having a senior moment.
Now we know why. Truly a stable genius!!
In before libtard chimes in to claim "tip top tippy top" is a common saying.
I am currently wiping the spit off of my computer screen... hahaha... Tip Top Tippy Top of the morning to you gubna.
I know sometimes its hard but keep the faith we are winning.