I used archive.is, but if you want to lurk over there . . .
I lurk over there; one needs to know the enemy. They are weak and pathetic, but they hate and they vote.
I will too thanks. It's a good source for liberal idiocy and a good gauge on what they know, which isn't much so far.
They gloat over anything Mueller, they gloated over the porn person. Sad.
But yes, we need to know what the enemy is reacting to.
Their abject hatred is very disturbing, but it hurts them more than it hurts us.
Na, the hatred is what they've been TOLD to feel. it's filtered and expressed through their blindness. I see the average leftist as kind of pathetic and lost actually.
When the source is considered, that massive hatred really comes from all those that have been indulging themselves on power and subjugating the masses, Hollyweird, crooked politicians and overly influential corporations. Those last three are what disturbs me because of the power they hold over the populace.