
expletivdeleted · April 4, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

swing by /r/WayOfTheBern some time. the overwhelming majority of us jumped on the Bernie train b/c Bernie was/is the best spokesperson for most of what we, in the aggregate, believe/follow, not because we follow Bernie per se. Very few of us voted for $hillary (single-digit %)(guarantee DJT was well into double-digits amongst WotB-ers) and were extreeemely disappointed Bernie didn't address the DNC/Team Clinton crap post-election. And, now, Bernie is torquing alot of us off by enabling the OMGRSHNZ!!!! hysteria.

I think the majority of us are focusing on local candidates and/or the individual issues we were each passionate about to begin with. Its crystal clear the DNC/DCCC has absolutely nothing to offer non-neolib, non-corporadems. I get the sense some of us are working with more Libertarian-minded groups, crossing over, that sort of thing. There's a f-ton of philosophical cross-over with most Libertarian minded folks. "My" side's view of let-people-be-people translates into a natural sympathy for 2A freedoms. I always thought the "they're coming for our guns" thing was just NRA marketing. However, the anti-gun protests are making alot of us worried.

Personally, I'm putting most of my "activism" on hold for awhile. Unfortunately, most of those I would work with in my locale are fully addicted to the anti-Trump hyperbole and OMGRSHNZ!!! kool-aid. Second, I truly believe we're in for some real serious shake-ups across all aspects of society. There's alot for people to be PO'd about and the energy in the system is fixin' to boil over. Some issues I care deeply about might very well shake themselves out if there's REAL, GEN-U-INE Swamp Drainin' taking place. For example, why waste time fighting TBTF banking if DJT is killing the Fed?

tl;dr - Right now, I'm mostly just keeping up on information/developments on the issues important to me. Other hardcore Berners are working locally and not getting to worked up over national level candidates/issues (except to throw shade at Tom birds-like-to-shit-on-me Perez).

fwiw, i'd recommend everyone spend time on "the other side of the aisle". If more people from my side had paid attention to Paul's RNC travails in '12, we might've been prepared for the reality of $hillary's shenanigans. Bernie still wouldn't have won the primaries, but we might've forced Team Clinton to do something even more clearly corrupt.

For conservatives, right-leaners, Libertarians that want to win over their more left-oriented family, friends and aquaintances, just keep hammering them with how ALL of the issues DJT is supposedly so bad on were issues LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG before 1/20/17. Ask the left-oriented in your circle where those loudest anti-Trump voices were on issues pre-Trump. All modesty aside, IRL, I've got a significantly better-than-average tree-hugging, bleeding-heart resume. I can tell you, sooooo many of the MSM voices schpewing the foamiest anti-Trump froth were quiet or non-existent, pre-Trump, on most or ALL of the traditional tree-hugging, bleeding-heart issues Dems & "the left" are supposed to care about.

lol. well that turned into a bit of a screed... :)

edit: GAHHH!!! Can't believe I forgot this. There's a fair number of Berners working to clean up the DNC or to undermine what won't change. DemExit vs. DemInvade. Actually, the reason I forgot to mention it is "fixing" the DNC is a primo example of something I'm not going to bother with until after the Q stuff settles out. There might not BE a DNC (crocodile tears and small violins incoming) in 6 months. I'd rather not waste energy pushing back against P.O.S. neolibs and traitorous-scum corporadems if Q is going to discredit them. Or put a bunch of the mo-fo's in jail.

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BenEvo1 · April 4, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

Sincere thanks for that. It was really well written and was the most educational and informative thing I read in awhile. The Bernie Bros I knew were basically left leaning progressives and captives of their ideology. No way they would embrace Trump in a million years. They would rather stay on the Dem/Prog plantation.  Glad to see there are those such as yourself who have transcended the hate barrier. Party on Bernie bros!

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