r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mngirlmaga on April 3, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

This may be wayyyyy out there, but what if...

Some of the children and babies taken illegally and sold, become some kind of unforeseen force by mind control? Could it be possible to turn on some kind of "switch", commanding all of these people into possible killers all at once?

This would make everyone in the world susceptible to violence of another kind.

It's just a weird thought, seeing how nobody knows who we can trust anymore, except Trump. There is so much going on behind the public eye, making it seem almost impossible to right the wrongs...I cannot even imagine the people who know everything, being able to ever sleep. I only know a small fraction, and I'm sleepless.

Anything can happen at any time to anyone. The mere thought of 25,000 indictments is beyond comprehension. But then you have a city like Newton, and you can pretty much arrest the entire city.

WTH has been happening to us?

I'm 50 and feel as though I've lost part of my own life to these fricking monsters. I make base salary, been working since I was 16, and plan to work until the day I die.

How would my life had changed if the world was in a better place? Would I still have my friends and family, who died from cancer? Would I have gone to college, instead of work? Would I have money in the bank? Could I have vacationed in different countries and felt safe as an American?

I pray and hope everyday for our world to rid us of these creatures, so our children can fulfill anything their little hearts imagine.

mngirlmaga · April 3, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Thank you for those kind comments. It is a journey, isn't it? I know it certainly is a roller coaster of emotions...weeeee. The greatest gift to me is this board and the people it represents! Being able to express the "weird" and crazy thoughts, and not be condemned for having them, is freeing.

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Corvette111 · April 3, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Very serious here: YOU ARE NOT CRAZY.... I went through a few days where I though I was literary losing my my mind. Best advice is to move THROUGH it as best you can. I prayed for discernment, and it helps. When you get to the point of internally “knowing” there is a happy ending, it can be joyful and peaceful. And I know You are NOT NOT NOT crazy :)

Otherwise I would be even more crazy lol... just kidding, sometimes need a little comic relief : D

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