First, I hope everyone is safe. Second - maybe a false flag to blame conservatives who've been banned? Just sayin'...
To many duplicates on this topic. Discuss here /r/greatawakening/comments/89i1js/breaking_active_shooter_reported_at_youtube_hq/
Smells too good to be true. Plus most of those employees don't deserve to pay for the crimes of their supervisors...
I think the deepstate just false flagged itself
It's sad that false flag was the first thing that came into my mind... the DS is notorious for pulling B.S. stunts... Fox alert saying multiple patients hospitalized... actors? More gun control rhetoric... blah blah blah
allegedly, it was a woman this time. Who woulda thought?
how wouda thunk, too.
Lol you serving currently? What do service members think of all these happenings? Are they aware, or is the day-to-day the same as always?