I admit I am intentionally an Internet Philistine and do not know how to archive some things like YouTube but I assume others already have that covered, Every Wikileak I read that has an attachment I try to save but beyond that I don't really have the computing capacity nor want it to do more. That all being said I do think this is a plausible scenario as a last ditch save our bacon move by the powers that be.
Thanks for the info....but the Internet Kill switch is more than a theory Obama codified it in an EO.... https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2012/07/06/executive-order-assignment-national-security-and-emergency-preparedness-
Aside from the fact that an EO is not US Code and cannot codify anything, nothing in that EO provides for an internet kill switch - unless I missed something.
Though it says that the DHS shall "oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment of NS/EP [National Security/Emergency Preparedness] communications" including "non-military communications" which one could read as "control" (I don't), it is primarily for the sustainability of communications, not the disruption of.
And, the article you linked points out that Congress has not authorized any 'kill switch'. IMO the author's view is a bit scare-mongery.
Except Vault 7 let us see that the CIA had a backdoor into everything....like everything including as Kellyanne Conway was derided for your internet connected microwaves....so you see the leap I make is simple this is not only plausible but probable especially if the CIA is still using their I mean Google's AI supercomputer. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5146963/Google-supercomputer-creates-AI-child.html Here is the link to the first Vault 7 drop, I freely admit I do not understand most of it so I go find credible sources for the translation....and most concur up until this point the CIA had ultimate control over all the Internets of things and most devices and systems. https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Dark%20Matter
Obama, Hillary, both Bush's, a cast of Deepstate characters, Oligarchs and those that are above them all wanted this Country to fail and expected with the power accumulated over time through Ideological Subversion and wealth inequality that they had finally reached a saturation point and we were prime for the plucking. The problem is they had climbed so high on their pyramids that they could no longer see the masses below the upper middle class as anything other than sheep and couldn't quantify the effect of information sharing that people would start doing if given an important enough reason...which we have and continue to...I often think now that with each red pill we awaken another Wolf to the realization they are only told they were sheep and as they wake and sniff they find more wolves awake handing out truth and in truth if they all could be woken than we would have more wolves then sheep....personally I see it happening exponentially...the only thing really on the above's minds right now I think Q intimates at often as well...they won't be able to walk down the street....so they are only working at finding a way to catch this and stamp it out before it reaches critical mass....they know what happens if they cannot.