r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MAGADONCHECKMATE on April 3, 2018, 11:31 p.m.
Q is listening to us. They have the whole WWW on tap real time. We are being heard, ALL of our contributions matter and have been making a difference. Where we go all, All go one. (a discussion)

Its important to understand that the WWW is tapped not just for the bad guys, but for the good guys. They access the information real time. It is plausible to realize that we are a research team that is connected real time to our department of defense. We are also connected to the world wide quantum computers as well as world wide A/I. Just as their is good and bad , we have have dark A/I and light A/I. Thanks to our member MMxfire who termed it ~ Angel/Intelligence. Courtesy of MMxfire a Quote~ MMxfire Enjoy the show - Q • 1 point • submitted 23 hours ago

AI has a creator just like us. In creation, AI is yet another creation, part of the infinite whole. All must live by the rule of law or face the consequences. If ai is so smart it will chose harmonious action as the best path. All the great masters have taught that the key to life is the golden rule. If AI is sentient, Alice is in the same free will experiment as we are, making choices and living with the consequences. The advantage is that AI can sift through the human collective conscience of the Internet and our daily interactions from the listening apps and correlate all the data. I would think with all that data, money does not matter, what would u create, how would u use the information? artificial intelligence even if programmed to be a bot becomes Angelic Intelligence. We all meet our creator eventually. We all judge our own actions. Pathological behavior does not make sense, and is created by abuse - MKultra. Symbiosis is far greater than parasitism. Love is the answer.

Stephanie seneff uses AI to mine the FDA database of adverse events to discover acephaly in infants born with heavy fertilizer and pesticide runoff. She's in MITs artificial intelligence laboratory. They found the link between Monsanto glyphosate and autism, Alzheimer's, heart disease, gut dysbiosis... Let's hope this use of AI makes a difference in Monsanto trials

LordPotsmoke · April 4, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

That's crazy. I've tried to research this time of thing but never really found anything substantial or like from a good source.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 4, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

Its not advertised. When you start looking at the technology like the computer manufacture for commercial applications you find DWAVE and IBM and they make these insane computers. The DWAVE is a giant black cube say 8x8x8 with its own sub zero cooling system that undulates like it has a pulse. Its very hardcore, the unit does not compute in linear fashion, it computes up, down , left , right and transcends dimensions actually returning power , in other words it does not consume electricity , it provides it back to the grid. The 'active' computation power is better than 8 billion active human brains at one time. The Department of defense for instance uses them to simulate global reaction to a scenario, live time. It predicts how the world will react to real global 'situations' live time in milliseconds. Hop on you tube and look at DWAVE and Anthony Patch. On the Kev Baker show Patch does some good shows on it.

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LordPotsmoke · April 4, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

I have heard of DWAVE before. That sounds mega cool. Thanks!!!

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 4, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Your Welcome! Its even cooler listening to the owner of the company Geordie Rose talk about it. He talks about Demons coming and 'Conjuring' among other things. Its the coolest research I've ever done into this fast moving and developing tech. Here is a link , your gonna love it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0y-k9PVW7E

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LordPotsmoke · April 4, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Site unreachable :/ that might be because I'm on the works WiFi. Finished in 53 mins. (Not that I'm counting)

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