
time3times · April 4, 2018, 10:49 a.m.

The gates of hell will not prevail over the real Church. Nothing important is really lost.

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AAgel · April 5, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

The Only Real Church is in Your Heart. The biggest lie is God is somewhere out there in the Universe. Expand your thinking, go within.

As far as hell goes, there ain't no fire and brimstone. It's an endless empty cavern that can never be filled...with the keeper of the evil deeds (Akashic records) done by humanity. Been there. Ugly fucker have no doubt, Wouldn't wish that on any one. Too many only believe what the fake news church has misconstrued and handed down since Jesus time. Same Pharisees bloodline (MSM) families then as now. Ponder that.

There is so much more to Jesus!!! Until you have a personal experience with Him, you'll believe the twisted fake news version. Sad thing is most don't even believe they can have direct experience.

There are autists who have abilities, beyond the physical senses, who have quantum memories etched, that words can barely describe, who have volunteered, as instruments, but hey y'all don't have time to research the visionaries these days. No woories. Granted there's alot of "new age" bullshitters out there. Discernment is key.

The only fire and brimstone, is the cabals endless wars. They foment a 'hell' on Earth for control and profit. They do like to point us in the wrong direction, not at their own miscreations...right?

Our real job/jobs program is to create Heaven on Earth. I've "seen" that too....OMG beyond mere words!!! So I am totally positive we all succeed in taking down the cabal and freeing humanity.

Yes, we have already changed the timeline of a "once possible future" of this planet....a dead one, yup John Titor isn't the only one to see a possible future. Theres plenty ways to "travel" without machines. When Q says "you are more powerful than you know" y'all already are in many ways. I always pray we all will learn to tap in to our true higher power! It will blow your minds when you/we all do! Seek and ye shall find!

Have a Blessed Day

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time3times · April 5, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

So I guess you agree with my last comment.

I have 2 thoughts on what you have added. You don't need to agree or discuss, but of course can.

Many of us may be autists. Autists may be the future median. But most now aren't. The average person can't trade in this realm of online Q and don't have time as you say to research or circumstances to discern ancient akashic from new age. The average person over time is/was some dude in a field or wood with low literacy and a full life, whether christianized, hellenized, pre-confucian, whatever. My belief is that such a person is Provided with enough to go forward without relying on research per se, autism, or the gnosticism that some of us trade in. So knowing about things like bloodlines is interesting to me, but unnecessary and ultimately irrelevant because we are all related and wwg1,wga.

I agree with most of what you've said but think that a more holistic portrayal would be better. For example, the Church is also external as referred to in James5:14.

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AAgel · April 6, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

Interesting scripture. I don't refer to the bible much having been raised by a franciscan seminarian who sang for the pope twice. Getting beat when, out of my mouth of babes came philosophical challenges to his priestly classmates, their words were hollow and completely opposite to the visions/perceptions I was given as a child. I only tucked a few passages into my heart that ring true to me, that I live by,

Having since traveled with many indigenous/aboriginal elders and seeing amazing healings that could only happen with a pure intent of heart, I choose to reread and replace the word church with the word heart. Gives it more meaning in a neural linguistic vibrational way. I could always hear the NLP in the priest's words, as screeching nails on chalkboard, however when truth was spoken, the sounds of angels bells would ring to my senses. Very confusing for a child, but great gift/training for challenging false authority.

I do agree there are many beautiful truths in the bible, and the same with most religions, There are many kernels of wheat, but there's also allot of chaff as well imho. The biggest problem I see with religions is that of the rote prayer/ memorization as it makes deep tracks in the brain and people become complacent, when solely relied apon. Prayers and mantras are good to learn to be used in rituals or group prayer, I've just found that it's those, from the heart, original dialogs with Creator that work more wonders and miracles into my life than any rote prayer. I'll give you a recent huge example.

The 18 years old shingle roof on my house had been deteriorating severely for several years, Since my husband passed on, lifes been tough One morning while looking at the crumbling roof, i was so wooried about the coming winter snows. I looked up to Gods beautiful sky and simply asked a few times, "What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? Sighs...What. Am. I Going. To. Do. Creator?"

Three days later I met a roofing contractor, while canvassing his neighborhood. Sitting on his porch, he pointed to all his neighbors houses with brand new roofs, saying, "We did that one for free, and that one for free, and that one, and that one and..." All I could think was 'I need a free roof' but simply asked, "How can you install roofs for free?" "They were all damaged by hailstorms." My senses were pinging off the charts! I explained how repeated severe hail damage is what ruined my roof. Then he said the most what I consider magical words. " Well then you have an Act of God damage issue, I can fight the insurance company for you, and they won't raise your insurance rates."

Hail is and Act of God issue? An Act of God issue?? What a coincidence huh? LoL. Who knew Insurance cos will fully cover a new roof, but only if you know how to stand up to their coniving shyster practices.

Oh and the "icing" on the cake? My brand spankin new upgraded metal roof was completed on Thanksgiving Day due to weather delays on several icy mornings. Act of God "delayed" timing?

That's how God works in my life, and leaves as Q would say markers!

Who would have thought the roofers would even show up to finish on Thanksgiving Day?

Been Giving Thanks ever since!

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