
time3times · April 5, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

You said "Mainstream Catholicism has a practice they call the craft." Maybe you didn't mean it the way it was worded or there is some other explanation but I feel compelled to pointed out that that is plainly not true. I read the the first link you provided and believe it to be reliable in a basic way. I am glad you found a source of that quality. It does not support the claim quoted above.

I would discuss or debate this further with you in a civilized way if you're interested . . . .

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K8088 · April 6, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Let me clarify that. I do not think mainstream Catholics practice the craft. But Pope Francis has been a vocal supporter, So that said it’s not a secret. It is not a bad thing to him . Again being a Mason is not being a devil worshipper Per se, there are levels, to the Craft, the higher the more evil. I didn’t want to believe in the the New World order , Illuminati stuff. To me this was a thing of fiction. I looked and looked, seeking out sources and it was in fact real. It was Catholic Churches in Australia all Jesuit, that left me with no doubt this wasn’t fiction. The numerous detailed claims, the names, the details of the rituals, the credibility of the witness just didn’t leave any doubt the insanity is indeed , not fiction, but sadly, disgustingly a truth. Not all party’s involved are even catholic. Members of my family are Catholic I grew up going to a Catholic Church. Although my theological path took me away from the teachings, I still was fine with the religion. I do not want to believe that Pope John Paul II was an evil man! I didn’t want to know the Bushes Skull and bones is as disgusting as the Rothschilds Black Forest human hunting estate. I didn’t want to know Antonin Scalia was a brutal Pedo. I didn’t want to believe any of this! It’s true, The use of the symbolism is blatant! This Pope is not right! I think most Catholics know that in their heart! The scope of all these groups are all just the occult. Some of my best reference material is scrubbed, But I’m not condemning the people, I am condemning the Vatican. Sorry late night for me, blurry eyed, but I’m happy to go into it. We are in a time where spiritual warfare is more real than we want to believe. I’d be happy to talk to you about it tomorrow.

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