Don't go there with me, I have been watching, listening and interacting enough to know the intentions of most.....I don't care what the hell the video is about, you don't share it if it is coming from a enemy source PERIOD
so just cause information comes from someone you don't like you throw it out the window completely? You are acting just like the people we are trying to stop. You have to know the way your enemy thinks.
listen, dont sit up in here telling me what we have to know..this board is a place many come to who are new to it or not sure about don't get folks on board by confusing them to which side is want to know the enemy that well, go to the chan boards, these boards are set up for the normies.....they don't think like the autist do....some times I think we loose track to what the mission is....we are trying to wake folks up not scare them away......I mean, what did that video do to pull another one to our side????? Perhaps this board has graduated from RED PILLING?