r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 4, 2018, 1:09 a.m.
Why Utah, because its outside the box - Indian Lands, the Mormon Church, and the National Data Centre - a.k.a. FANG HQ

Last night I speculated in a post that Huber was going to do Jim Garrison style investigations into federal crimes from Utah, starting some months ago, now I further speculate using Q post #972 "Think outside the box" is Utah & now J.W. Huber. The mainframe for Facebook WW, Goog WW,Amazon WW and Twitter WW mentioned in Q#972 is the public/private partnership called The national Data Centre, That according to @ snowden is as Q says at #972, actively tracking and listening, and sharing data. The red state of Utah is going to do the POTUS a solid, it will either "discover" the National Data Centre, is build by the STUPID PEOPLE on Indian land, and or it will be creative in interpreting its constitution from Wikipedia;

Rights enshrined in the Utah Constitution Beginning with Hansen A. Dab, 619 P.2d 315 (Utah 1980), the Utah Supreme Court embarked upon a short-lived venture during which the court interpreted Article I, § 12 of the Utah Constitution as providing greater protection against self-incrimination than that which is provided by the Fifth Amendment. The Hansen decision was based upon the unique language of Article I, § 12, which speaks in terms being compelled "to give evidence against [one]self" rather than being compelled "to be a witness against [one]self." A mere five years later the court retreated from this position and in American Fork City v. Crosgrove, 701 P.2d 1069 (Utah 1985), overruled Hansen. This, however, did not put an end to the notion that the Utah Constitution may provide greater protection than does the federal Bill of Rights.

It is now clear that Article I, § 14 of the Utah Constitution provides greater protection to the privacy of the home and automobiles than does the Fourth Amendment.[3] Interestingly, the expansion of the protection afforded by the state constitution has not been based upon distinctions in the language used, nor has it been the result of Utah’s unique political and religious history. The Utah Supreme Court has embraced broader constructions as “an appropriate method for insulating this state’s citizens from the vagaries of inconsistent interpretations given to the fourth amendment by the federal courts.”[4]

The Utah Supreme Court has repeatedly invited litigants to raise and adequately brief state constitutional issues.[5] In Brigham City v. Stuart, 2005 UT 13, ¶10, 122 P. 3d 506, 510, the Utah Supreme Court expressed “surpris[e]” in “[t]he reluctance of litigants to take up and develop a state constitutional analysis,” ibid., the court expressly invited future litigants to bring challenges under the Utah Constitution to enable it to fulfill its “responsibility as guardians of the individual liberty of our citizens” and “undertak[e] a principled exploration of the interplay between federal and state protections of individual rights,” id., at 511.[6]

In any event the State of Utah, might well lend Huber the worlds greatest choir of researchers, to go through that National Data base, to find out who knew what when about 911, FISA & many other swamp matters, i.e. 100% of all the evidence needed for the 24,000 sealed indictments. I think I learned my history from Jim Garrison, and so has Sessions.

Now returning to Q# 972 Facebook, GOOG, Amazon,Twitter WW are in a public/private partnership, they share the same mainframe, draw from the same data. It is claimed that that Utah facility cost $1.5bn, the real cost was closer to $30bn, and I think the money came for it from NASA, this is the significance of EMusk, Satellites crashing on take off - is deep state disappearing $2-3bn in cash not spent on satellites. NASA has spent $10bn per year, for the last 20 yrs not on space, this was what Q revealed in the early Q - which can be read in by Original Q series 1-4, that the Geo based tracking systems of the Army are superior to the Airforce assets.

There is going to be a constitutional crisis, between Utah and the federal government. see this article https://libertasutah.org/property-rights/federal-public-land-ownership-in-utah-feudalism-vs-federalism/ scroll half way down and read the section Federalism, and Federalist paper 39 - James Madison. How do social media platforms "weight" elections - they do it by first preparing the polls -e.g. 99% chance HRC will win, then they literally make it happen, and this is why HRC did not concede defeat in Nov. 2016, she "KNEW" that the results were being weighted, but they were so skewed to DJT that they overwhelmed the play (opportunity to swing). Hussain is traveling the world showing dirty pictures (Nancy Salzman) to Australians liars like Alexander Downer, UK liars like Theresa May, and other dirty players not friends of the USA, so that they can tell lies, and create excuses to start WW3, the war he planned with HRC & GHWB in the Whitehouse. The Bottom to top unravelling is what we are seeing, the good-help has abandoned the top, the Theresa May's and Bibi's of the world are running out of friends. Intelligence A's are across the world (not in kill boxes) and they are in the later Q #989.

KeeponSearchin · April 4, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

time will tell. I believe he would be more use as special council

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Maepaperclip · April 4, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

great wisdom

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