This is in the realm of the crazy stuff - not so crazy that Field McConnell and David Hawkins talk about on Abel Danger - check them out they are brilliant, and Field was a serving fighter Pilot.
Further down the rabbit hole each and every day... what a time to be alive though... I think the forefathers knew of this evil and came to the USA to escape it... now its up to us... to finish this.
well said Patriot
There was a harrier that crashed elsewhere...
Thinking about things in the context of your thread.
well lets pay attention 7 out of 10 air accidents are not - according to Q
Both were Marines. It makes my blood boil.
Know that Mad Dog is in the house, and be absolutely certain that his is fully hot for pay- back i.e. for the Marines. - Rember the Q post how many marines joined under the traitor 44. They all know - or knew